How to get started and stay on track to build big, muscular biceps
Health Fitness

How to get started and stay on track to build big, muscular biceps

The health benefits of strength training and bodybuilding have been widely documented by medical experts. But if you really want to build a strong and sexy body, nothing turns heads on the beach or the street like a pair of chiseled ARMS! Below are some tips to help you get started building the biceps of your dreams.


Despite the health and aesthetic benefits of the bodybuilding lifestyle, many people fail to get even an hour of physical exercise a week. Often the hardest part of any training program is just getting started. Even those who do manage to start exercising often give up frustrated by the lack of progress they see in the mirror.

If you’re ready to enhance your strength and appearance with a big, bulging pair of biceps, don’t fall victim to excuses that keep you from achieving this goal. Common among these excuses is the old cliché “I don’t have time to exercise.” If this is an excuse you’ve heard or used in the past, consider this. Most people who work full time spend around 40 hours a week at work. But even if you work 60 hours per week, assuming normal sleep patterns, you still have 50+ hours per week of time to squeeze in 3-4 hours of training. Why not spend some of that time doing a few sets of preacher curls to “pump up” your ARMS?

Another common excuse is that exercising is “too hard.” To get over this hurdle, start with a training activity you enjoy and you’ll soon be looking forward to your workouts. For example, after a training break, I always start getting in shape with an arm workout because I enjoy training my arms more than any other body part. Anytime you feel like your workout is too hard, stop and consider if you’ve chosen a fun exercise program and if you’re lifting too much weight or doing too many reps. Chances are you can find an exercise plan that is fun and beneficial for improving your strength, health, and appearance.

sticky to it

Once you start, set realistic goals and don’t try to progress too quickly to achieve them. Many people get frustrated and quit their workouts prematurely because they try to do too much too soon. A slow and steady approach will help you avoid the disappointment that comes from concentrating on your destination instead of enjoying the journey. Remember, improving your health and “flexible attractiveness” is a process that occurs over time, not an instantaneous event. The reality is that you will feel stronger and healthier before you see the results of your training. But when the physical changes happen, you’ll see that it was worth sticking with your workouts.

Finally, be sure to remember that sticking with your workouts doesn’t mean doing the same exercises over and over again. Aside from the excuses discussed in this article, boredom is a huge workout killer and not varying your exercises will ruin your bicep training efforts. For example, over the years, I’ve seen many people get bored and quit their workouts when they can’t gain enough in their arm strength or appearance by doing barbell curls, barbell curls, and then more barbell curls. bar. Instead of abandoning their workouts, they should have tried different exercises, changed their training sequence, or sought help creating a new bicep building program. The bottom line is that doing the same workout over and over again is not only boring, it stifles improvement because your body can quickly adapt to a repetitive training regimen.

Remember, getting started is the key to building the body you want. When you start your workout, go slow, have fun, and be sure to vary your workouts. Follow these simple tips and you’ll soon be on your way to building big, muscular biceps.

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