How to get your ex girlfriend back

How to get your ex girlfriend back

Being dumped is a terrible feeling. You start to question everything. You lose all your self-confidence, leaving you a broken and bitter man. You stop eating, you can’t sleep and you don’t even want to think about other women because that one you had was The One and no one will be as good as her.

So try to win her back. You buy her flowers, you try to take her out to dinner, you grovel and say you can change and you can make this work. That you are willing to do what she wants. That you are there for her, that you love her, that nothing is worth it without her.

All these are errors.

The only way to get it back is, oddly enough, not to make it look like you want it back. By forgetting about her. Just living your life. In this article, I’m going to go through a list of ways to get it back.

1. Stop communicating with her

This means no more Facebook, text messages, tweets, phone calls… nothing like that. You need me to leave you alone. You need time for yourself. She’s the one who dumped you, after all. She’s the one who “turned the key,” as Costanza would say, and ended it. So she cut her out of your life. Show him how easy it will be to pick up the pieces and go from there. Because you are strong, tough and you have your own life.

2. Get in shape

In many cases, if you are in a long-term relationship, you may have gotten a bit carried away. This is common, and also the part that needs to be fixed right away. If you’re a little overweight, it’s time to lose that guy, get on the treadmill, and start eating healthy again. Or, if you’re like me and have a terrible stomach and can’t eat when you’re going through an emotional whirlwind like a breakup, then you have to gain a healthy weight so you don’t look like an anorexic emo rocker kid.

3. Pay some money to make yourself look good

After working out and getting back in shape, go to the store and buy some nice new clothes. Spend some money on a new and better haircut. These are all ways to build your confidence, so you’ll talk to girls again, which will put you on a continual collision course with self-esteem.

The key to remember in all of this is not that you are doing this to impress her. You’re doing this to impress yourself. You are doing this because you want to have the most successful and pleasure-filled life you can possibly have. And hey, if she wants to come along for the ride, more power to her. But you’ll be fine without her.

The main thing is to instill three feelings in her when she notices how well you are doing. You want her to feel:

1. jealous

Those other girls have a chance with you, amazing guy. She could lose you. You are no longer under her control.

2. Homesickness

For a time when things were going well between you two. At first, he will only remember how terrible the last few months or weeks were, when he decided to break up with you. But there was a good moment there somewhere, a moment that she will remember and that she will make her want to be with you again.

3. Sexual feelings

You will also want to get them out of it. How? Well, my video on how to tease her has a few ways to flirt and get those feelings back:

Do this and she’ll be clamoring to be back with you in no time.

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