How to publish an ebook in minutes
Digital Marketing

How to publish an ebook in minutes

If you search the internet, you will see many books and courses on how to publish an eBook. You’ll also see companies offering to do it for you, at great cost.

So when you look at all the information about eBook publishing and publishing services, you might get the impression that publishing eBooks is difficult.

But nothing could be further from the truth. And that truth is that you can publish an eBook in minutes and it won’t cost you anything.

One of the easiest ways to publish an eBook is to publish for Kindle. All you have to do is open an Amazon Kindle Publishing Account which you can do in less than 5 minutes.

If your eBook is already written and you have created it using Microsoft Word’s Styles feature, then you are ready to publish. Otherwise, you can format your eBook using Styles or write your eBook and style it as you go. Using styles is easy, and Microsoft offers plenty of instructions on how to do it. Once you have done it you will realize how easy it is. And you can save your formatting styles as a template and use them over and over again so that every other eBook you write is perfectly formatted without any extra effort.

Ebook covers are also a breeze because you can make your own for just a few dollars or you can pay a little more and have someone do it for you.

Once you have your cover ready and your manuscript formatted, convert your eBook to an HTML file (which only requires one click using Word; choose ‘save as’ and then ‘web page’) and upload both to your publishing account. Kindle. Then a few more clicks to choose your royalty rate and the countries your eBook will be available in and that’s it. You just click submit and you’re done.

That is. That’s all about it.

If you’re not sure, Amazon provides a lot of help and guidance, but you won’t need most of it because the whole process is pretty straightforward.

And the best part is that once submitted, your eBook will be published and available for download in as little as 12 hours (if it’s written in English). That means you can publish your eBook before you go to bed tonight.

So you’ve always wanted to be a published author, don’t sit around and procrastinate anymore.

Publish your eBook today.

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