How to Train a Rottweiler – Unconditional Love
Health Fitness

How to Train a Rottweiler – Unconditional Love

If you have just added a young Rottweiler puppy to your family or are considering this wonderful breed but are skeptical about the training process, you will be pleased to know that the Rottweiler breed is highly intelligent. You will also find that training your new dog will be a lot of fun and exciting, the Rottweiler (more than most breeds in my opinion) is desperate to do whatever it takes to please you. The breed is one of the most loving and compassionate dogs you can welcome into your family.

Like most beings on the planet, human or animal, you will find that the happiest of us all have received a plethora of unconditional love. When you train a Rottweiler, it is very important to love him like a newborn baby. I personally have two rotties and they have turned out to be amazing pets. But… How do you train a huge dog and give him unconditional love at the same time?

One technique I have used could be called the “finger to forehead method”. Animals are very intelligent, especially Rottweilers, and when they’ve done something wrong, they know it…it all depends on your body language. Even before you start verbally scolding them, they know very well that they have broken a rule.

My solution is this: I sit or kneel closer to their level, point to the ground right in front of me, and have them come to me. If they are young and do not understand that order very well, get up very calmly and take them to the place where you told them to go. Simply have him lie down and hit him on the head several times with your finger while saying “Bad boy… Don’t eat the couch.”

It may sound funny, but actually talk to them and tell them exactly what they did wrong and why they are being punished.

Overall this is a very simple process, it may sound a bit strange but training my rottweilers with this technique has worked well. He is very non-violent, non-abusive, and just like a human child, they know what they did wrong. Non-violence is very important because it reassures the animal that…

1. You are the alpha.
2. You are not going to hurt them.
3. That you love them unconditionally.

Dogs in general have short term memories, so about 10 minutes after the event always make sure to introduce some love or play to your Rottweiler.

For more tips and tricks on how to train a Rottweiler visit my site below! Thank you!

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