How To Use Milk And Yogurt In Vaginosis Treatment: The Simplest Natural Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis
Lifestyle Fashion

How To Use Milk And Yogurt In Vaginosis Treatment: The Simplest Natural Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis

The signs and symptoms of vaginosis usually appear with the onset of the infection. Women usually experience a whitish-gray vaginal discharge accompanied by a peculiar fishy odor. This smell is accentuated every time it comes into contact with substances of an alkaline nature. These include soaps and seeds.

Most women when diagnosed with vaginosis initially resort to conventional methods to treat the infection. Antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis are helpful in providing immediate relief. However, antibiotics are useful only if the infection is caught very early. In all other cases, natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis are much more effective than conventional medications.

Our body naturally produces a good bacteria that is known as lactobacillus. This bacteria is responsible for maintaining the acidic nature of the vagina. If an imbalance occurs due to any reason, the bad bacteria begin to multiply in large numbers, resulting in vaginosis. Milk and yogurt are rich in acidophilic cultures. Therefore, these can be used both to treat vaginsosis and to prevent its recurrence.

The purpose of this article is to detail the methods of using milk and yogurt in the treatment of vaginosis.

To reintroduce good bacteria into your system, a milk bath would be ideal. In case this is not possible, you can apply milk to the vaginal area 3-4 times a day. You can also apply plenty of milk on a clean cotton cloth and place it on the vagina for at least fifteen minutes, 3 or 4 times a day.

Yogurt is one of the most popular and effective natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis. To treat vaginosis, you can consume it orally or use it for direct vaginal application. For oral consumption, 3-4 cups a day are recommended. Alternatively, you can soak a tampon in yogurt and insert it into the vagina. Yogurt is particularly helpful in getting rid of the fishy odor associated with vaginosis.

Both bacterial vaginosis natural cures help restore the acidic nature of the vaginal flora. Once the natural vaginal flora is restored, the infection will go away.

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