Increase your winning streak in sports betting

Increase your winning streak in sports betting

Did you know that most sports outcomes can be predicted mathematically? It’s true! With the right facts and numbers, you can predict the results of sporting events and increase your chances of profitability.

The easiest way to analyze the result of a game:

1. Multiple regressions. The more robust historical information you have, the more accurate your results will be. You will never be able to announce a game with 100% accuracy because there will always be undetermined agents, but if you have the correct information, you will surely be able to anticipate the game like the pros.

The historical data you need to know to apply multiple regressions are: wins, losses, win-loss ratio, home game record, away game record, results of the last ten games, win/loss streaks, injuries, team changes (new coach, loss of important players). player, etc.)

2. Statistical Anomalies. These are deviations from the common rule and give you a competitive advantage. Would it surprise you to learn that most of the scoring in a soccer game occurs only on the 3 and 7 point markers? Of course, extra points, deep and conversions are always lost, but compared to all the points scored, they only represent a minor percentage. This pointwise statistical distribution factor opens up the possibility of statistical anomalies.

To find anomalies, you need to carefully review the statistics of the players and the team. You should also be aware of significant factors such as: injuries, the team tends to win more in indoor or outdoor sports arenas, weather (for outdoor games), what weather conditions the team plays in, etc. You can also watch for anomalies based on public opinion and team psyche.

A professional sports bettor should be more concerned with winnings than setting a high payout percentage. It is virtually impossible for a sports player to achieve both. To focus on winnings, a professional will apply all of their knowledge as often as possible, which may lower your win percentage, but in most cases will increase your overall winnings rather than keeping your regular bets with higher winning potential. earnings but not as much pay. that can come up.

When formulating your betting system, the number one rule to remember is to be disciplined. Do not change your system because you are on a winning or losing streak, this will increase your risk on each bet and put your bankroll at risk. If you’re on a losing streak, reevaluate your strategy and learn from your mistakes. If you are on a winning streak and bet more, you will risk losing more.

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