Is leadership a choice?
Legal Law

Is leadership a choice?

A while ago, while walking through a bookstore, I saw a book on the front table that was about becoming a leader and influencing people. I picked it up, read a few pages, and put it down. It was a thick book and seemed to have some good information, but I wasn’t thrilled with it.

Lately, I’ve been thinking about that book and others like it and wondering, what is the message these authors are trying to get across? Are leaders really special people? As I reflected, I began to wonder if I was a leader or if my parents are leaders. My answer to that question and many more about leadership and influence was answered loud and clear this past weekend.

I’ve had the great joy of having my parents in town for the past few days and we’ve had some amazing conversations and really enjoyed each other. Yesterday we all ventured out and took a road trip to Gainesville, Florida, where my oldest son attends law school at the University of Florida and both of my daughters are at the University of Florida. My youngest son and his good friend came for a ride. When we got to the halfway point, I announced that I had prepared a lunch for everyone to enjoy as they traveled. In the cooler, he had some homemade sandwiches he’d made, chips, drinks, and some fudge to keep the energy flowing. Everyone ate with delight as I kept my eyes on the road and headed north.

This was the first sign of the influence my parents had on me. When I was younger, my parents would pack my three brothers and me in the car and we would go on long road trips. We always had plenty of snacks and sandwiches to keep the car moving. Yesterday’s trip was like deja vu all over again. As I drove, I realized that because my parents led by certain examples, I was now leading them many years later.

Once we got to Gainesville, we had a nice reunion with all my kids and their friends. It was wonderful. We were all sitting around laughing and talking, and at that moment the power of leadership and influence really hit me. I was watching and listening to my dad talk to my oldest son about law school. My father finished law school almost 50 years ago and some of the same books and courses are still being taught today. My dad was giving advice to his grandson and they were exchanging information about the importance of the first year of law school. It was amazing to see my father leading and influencing my son just like he has me. Also seeing my mother talk to my daughters and her friends about the importance of traveling and exploring other cultures, encouraging them to be true to themselves as they were fixated on her every word, was a beautiful thing to witness.

While there are many great books to buy on leadership and influence, what I learned last weekend is that it’s important to look inward first. We are all leaders and we have the ability to influence others. It is not necessary to have a title or a certain platform to lead. Take the time and value what you say and how you say it, you could change someone’s life. The choice is within.

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