journey of souls
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journey of souls

Why are we here on Earth and where do we go after death? What will become of us when we get there? Many authors have written about past lives, but there really hasn’t been much about what happens to our souls while we wait for rebirth, until now.

When Dr. Michael Newton, a certified Master Hypnotherapist, began regressing his clients to access past life memories, he accidentally stumbled upon a daunting discovery; that it is possible to “see” into the spirit world through the mind’s eye of subjects who are in a hypnotized state; and that clients in this altered state could tell him what his soul did between lives on Earth.

Michael Newton says: “If death were the end of everything around us, then life would be meaningless. However, some power within us allows humans to conceive of an afterlife and to feel a connection to a higher and greater power.” even an eternal soul. If we really do have a soul, where does it go after death? Is there really some kind of heaven filled with intelligent spirits outside of our physical universe? What does it look like? What do we do when we get there? Supreme Being in charge of this paradise?”

Journey Of Souls answers all those questions for us in this jam-packed book containing an astounding seventy hippotherapy sessions.

In a session recorded as “Case 8”, a client says that she has a friend who has come looking for her when she crosses. She gives her friend the name Rachel and says that she is always there to greet her when she passes by and refers to her as her guardian.

Another session registered as “Case 9”, a client recounts his death experience in an exuberant way and with a lot of emotion as if he was very happy to have reached this moment. He explains that he doesn’t need anyone to find him as he crosses because this is not a new experience for him, he has done it many times and is familiar with where he is going. He explains that he is being taken to his destination on what he describes as something similar to a radio band. Being dragged involuntarily.

In “Case 13”, the client committed suicide in a past life and is transitioning to the afterlife. Dr. Newton asks him if he will receive punishment as a spirit for his act and he tells him that there is no punishment in this realm. When he meets his “spiritual advisor”, he learns that if he chooses to die as he did by suicide, it means he will have to come back later and deal with the same things again in a lifetime. different.

As someone who was raised to fear a God who judges all and who was warned about the horrors of Hellfire and gnashing of teeth if I didn’t live a flawless life, this book has put an end to my uncomfortable feelings on these subjects. This little book separates religion from the experience of death by allowing me to see that the fear of dying is something that has been programmed into me as a means of control on this earthly plane.

Now we finally have the evidence we’ve been looking for for that age-old question of whether or not there is life after death. I highly recommend this book to everyone. Since death and dying tend to make people uncomfortable because they don’t know what to expect or even if there is anything to look forward to, this book will put you at ease about death, dying, and rebirth, once and for all.

I highly recommend this book.

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