KEYS to choose your home
Real Estate

KEYS to choose your home

Since, for most of us, the value of our home represents our largest financial asset, doesn’t it make sense to approach, buy, a home of your own, in the smartest way possible? – ready, way? After more than 15 years as a licensed real estate seller in New York State, I have come to the conclusion that it is essential that home seekers proceed as intelligently as possible. My registered catchphrase, I’ll tell you what you need to know, not just what you want to hear (TM) explains, part of my reasoning, in terms of the KEYS to choose your home, in the wisest way possible. With that in mind, this article will briefly try to consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it is important.

one. Knowledge; keep it (how long?): Relevant knowledge is a significant factor, in terms of making the wisest decision, for your personal needs, goals and/or priorities! When searching, start by asking yourself how long you intend to keep the specific residence, what your personal priorities are, how much you can afford, and why you are selecting this particular region, area, neighborhood, and specific property.

two. Energy efficiency; Excellence; enjoyment: What factors seem most significant to you in terms of maximizing the enjoyment of your family’s home? How will you recognize if there is a potential for true excellence in the so-called bones of the house? Affordability is an important factor in finding what’s right for you, so pay close attention to energy efficiency and related factors, which could affect these types of costs!

3. You; his: Know yourself, what you need and your reason for being, instead of just trying to, Keep up with the joneses! It’s up to you, what you really need and to differentiate between a wish list and what you really need etc!

Four. Systems; solutions; sustainable; to serve: What do you need to truly satisfy your needs, for your personal satisfaction? Consider the systems of a property, including, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), electrical capacities, the quality of the roof, the level of insulation, etc! Focus on the solutions that will work best for you! Approach the process, considering the relevant priorities and whether it will meet your sustainable needs and requirements!

Keep these basics in mind KEYS, so buying a home will be a calmer, wiser and less stressful process! Are you ready to become a smart and better educated shopper?

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