Keyword advice: on keyword research and identification, keyword placement, density and marketing
Digital Marketing

Keyword advice: on keyword research and identification, keyword placement, density and marketing

Keyword identification is the first step when creating your content for your site. Identifying keywords related to your niche topics should be the first priority when creating web content. The quality of these keywords

It is essential for a good ranking in search engines. Researching the right keywords for your website should be the key, so that when people do a search for a particular keyword phrase, they can find your

place. So how do you do that, will be the questions on everyone’s mind. I have categorized this article into 3 sentences as keyword research or keyword identification, keyword selection, keyword placement, keyword density, and keyword marketing.

Before I go any further, I would like to talk about building your website for your business, you need to focus on other SEO strategies such as clean navigation, search engine friendly website architecture so that

that search engine spiders or robots can easily collect information from your website.

Once your site structure is finished, it’s time to create the content for the site, which is the crucial part and where keyword research, keyword density comes into play. If you follow these steps that I have mentioned below, it is sure that your website can enjoy higher ranking in search engines.

Step 1

Keyword Identification or Keyword Research:-

This should be the first step when creating your content, because your content will be built around

with the keyword and phrases that have been identified at this stage. Which is very critical and if not done correctly you will not achieve the desired results. There are different ways to identify how people search the web.

1) Think about which keyword you would choose while searching for certain products or services. Think from the point of view of the customer and not from the point of view of the search engine or SEO. Pick it up and write it down. I suggest

using a spreadsheet to also help you in the stages.

2) The other way is that you can ask your own customers or friends how they search the net to find those particular products or services. Usually everyone thinks differently and may not use the same keyword phrase to find that product or service. Pick them up and save them.

3) Keyword suggestion tools. There are hundreds of tools on the web, some of them are free and some of them charge a fee. I suggest using Overture’s keyword tool and Google’s keyword tool (free) and keyword tracker (paid). Type your keyword and phrases into these tools and you’ll find hundreds of keywords for particular products or services that are searched on the web every month.

Will also do it

shows how many times those words have been searched on the Internet. Tools like wordtracker will help you determine how many times these keywords have been searched for and how much competition there is for those particular keyword phrases. If you focus on a highly searched keyword, it would be hard for your website to rank well because of the competition.

Therefore, always choose keywords that are less competitive, so that your website ranks well for that particular keyword phrase in search engine results.

4) The other way is if you have already had a website online, check your web log and collect the keywords that help people find your site. This will help the existing website to recreate the content.

After completing these steps, use your spreadsheet to determine your keywords. It is ideal to have more keywords instead of focusing on a few words. In that

spreadsheet matches the next keyword in terms of how many times the keywords are searched for and how much competition that keyword is facing on the web.

As I said before, always choose less competitive keywords. Once this stage is over, start building your website content with the identified keywords.

Step 2

Keyword Placement – ​​Keyword placement is very important, because if keywords are not placed correctly, search engine spiders will have a hard time identifying and storing information from your web pages. Your most important keyword should appear in the page title at least once that all search engines give relevance to. Next, the same or related keyword should be there in the page header. Also use a related keyword when starting a

paragraph and throughout the web page evenly. The density factor is discussed below.

Step 3

Keyword Density – Search engine bots are highly intelligent spiders that can determine while some try to trick them. Some webmasters and SEO experts use keyword spam or keyword dump which is ethical for

good search engine optimization. If search engine spiders index a web page, it determines how many times those keywords have been used on a particular web page. So keyword density is important. an ideal density

it would be anything between 10-15% keyword densities on the page. Also use keywords that are related to that phrase to make it relevant to that web page.

related terms like “online dog supplies”, “dog supply store” etc, so think and find keywords that are more related to that topic. Also sprinkle keyword phrases all over the web page and don’t focus on one particular place.

At this stage, your website content should be ready, keep in mind the top 3 priority factors. This will determine the success or failure of your website in the search engine. The next stage is keyword marketing.

Stage 4

Keyword Marketing – Some of the techniques you will use as an off-site factor instead of a side, because it only affects the marketing process. As everyone knows, all search engines give more relevant links in the algorithm. So, after you’re done with keyword identification, density, and placement, you need to focus on marketing your site. Like site submission, article submission, link popularity, all these techniques are to increase inbound links to your site. So you would be using your anchor text to create a link pointing back to your site. So this is where keyword marketing comes into play.


use your important keyword phrase in these anchor texts and also mix in your related keywords. Keyword marketing is also vital for pay-per-click marketing, where the keyword is king. So gather keywords related to your business and use them extensively in your PPC campaign. The pay per click industry relies solely on keyword marketing. If your website wants maximum ROI (return on investment), you will need to apply maximum keywords while offering your keywords.

For example, the visibility of your website will increase if you choose the maximum keyword for your pay per click marketing.

The end result is to rank high on search engine keyword usage that is related to your business in marketing your website on and off site. Keywords are king when it comes to content and content is king when it comes to search engine marketing.

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