Digital Marketing

Naming your blog: good blog titles

Deciding on a good blog title and selecting a domain should be based on the location of the target keyword. With both domain and a good blog title, you want to include at least one target keyword, but what is the target keyword?

Well that will depend on your niche and there is a pretty long list of options. But that will be up to you to decide the niche, preferably something you like to do. Then just think of the single word that will best describe your blog. And then you also need to set the search volume and level of competition for that keyword. Because any blog title must contain keywords with high search volume and low to medium competition.

Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that you create a free Google account and can use the Google Keyword Planner tool. That it is a free tool within Google Ad-Words, but you must activate the Ad-Words account by financing it. You don’t need to add any plugins yet because you simply need to access the arsenal of tools. Later in your blogging journey, you will be using many tools that can only be accessed through your Google account. Like Google Search Console and Google My Business, but that’s a topic for another article.

The title should summarize the content that will decrease the bounce rate of your visitors. It immediately tells the visitor exactly what the blog is about. And it’s also easy to remember without excluding your domain name. It should not exceed 60 characters and should be as short and precise as possible. This is important for both the title and the display window of the blog post in Search Results.

Put that high search volume target keyword as the first word in both your blog title and domain name. That way, when search engines crawl your blog, the target keyword is clear. And they can categorize your blog more specifically.

But it should always be in context. Simply putting together a bunch of keywords is the way to not rank in search engines. Your blog title is your chance to attract search engine hits or spider crawls. The blog title is mentioned first on any blog’s sitemap.

Try to avoid empty words like (the, and), but this may seem more challenging than is often anticipated. It’s more of a rule of thumb when it comes to the URL slug of a blog post though. Just a personal preference and SEO tactic that I am currently testing. So no, it won’t influence your SEO blog. Provide stopwords are not present in post url slugs or main blog domain.

With a good title also comes the tagline, which should be equally short and objective. A tag line is not a description of the site, that’s why it is called a “Tag” line. Therefore, it does not usually have more than three words. Always remember that later with SEO you will need space for the title of your blog post. A search result usually shows the following;

Blog Home Page – (Blog Title / Tagline)

Blog Page – (Page Title / Blog Title)

Blog Post – (Post Title / Blog Title)

A good title is your opportunity not only to attract more visitors. But the most important thing is that they want to stay on your blog. This is where the quality of your content plays an important role because a good blog post must have great content.

When your visitor reads the title, they should know immediately that this is what they have been looking for. That is why along with the title of your blog also comes the First Impression. Base that on your own first impression by viewing your blog through the eyes of your visitor.

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