Pack of 6 essential ab training techniques
Health Fitness

Pack of 6 essential ab training techniques

These 6-pack abs training techniques will help you get lean faster. With just a few simple changes to your workouts and diet, you’ll start looking a lot sexier. Simple as that.

Don’t do crunches!

Don’t work your abs? Yes this will really help you get your abs faster.

See, having defined abs doesn’t have much to do with the size of your abdominal muscles. It depends more on how little body fat you have.

So skip working on your abs and spend most of your time planning your diet. A well-planned fat-reducing diet will do much more for your abs than any number of crunches or curls.

Get the right body fat percentage

Like I said before, having six pack abs is all about having a low percentage of body fat. That is all.

See, when men get below 10% body fat and women get below 17%, they’ll start to be able to see their abs. That’s the long and the short.

So if you can’t see your abs right now, lose some fat! If you’re serious about cutting, (1) measure your current body fat percentage and (2) then lose fat and track your progress.

Measure yourself, diet, track, measure, diet, track… It may sound boring, but it’s actually the winning formula.

Lift heavy things

Lift heavy things. For most of us, this means weights like barbells and dumbbells. Why? They work!

Barbells and dumbbells will build your core muscles, which is what you want to do in addition to losing fat. You can remove a lot of fat and you will look ‘lean’, but more muscle will make you look even more sculpted.

Also, heavy lifts will work your abs in addition to your big muscle work. Lifts like the standing barbell press not only strengthen your arms and shoulders, but also strengthen your abs and all supporting muscles.

So lift big and heavy!

Add some cardio

Do some cardio to burn fat. Not much, mind you, but an extra 30 minutes of running a few times a week will really help. And running is great too.

And even a few days a week is fine. It’s just another way to increase the number of calories you burn.


Don’t get carried away with cardio. It’s great for burning a few extra calories, but if you burn too many calories too fast, you’ll start to lose a lot of muscle instead of fat.

You can only lose about 1 to 1.5 pounds of weight per week that is fat. Beyond that, about half of the weight you’ll lose will be fat, and half will be your hard-earned, valuable muscle.

1.5 pounds of fat a week is fine.

Drink tea, coffee and water

Granted, both tea and coffee contain caffeine, which will not only keep you alert and active, but also help mobilize fatty acids from your adipose tissue. That is, they will help you lose fat.

Tea, especially green tea, is great for fat loss for reasons beyond its caffeine content. It’s very intriguing, and you don’t need to understand the biochemistry behind how it works, just drink green tea.

So just use these five 6-pack ab training techniques and you’ll start getting defined, fast! They are not big changes, but together they will accelerate your progress.

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