Digital Marketing

Is your business model turning off your message?

I often speak with coaches, consultants, freelancers, small business owners, authors, speakers … etc. they feel stagnant. Well screw on the tag, that’s not important. They are the type of people who “do their thing, do something meaningful.” They’ve gone through the vocational training, bought the marketing program, and even built a business or two. […]


Fried Chicken Recipes

Growing up in the South, I was introduced to fried chicken at a young age. My whole family was coming over on Sunday afternoon to enjoy a feast that included fried chicken and various sides such as okra, green beans, corn on the cob, sweet potatoes, and cornbread. Not only was the food delicious, but […]


Hunting: problem solving

I have been hunting for more than 10 years and I have a great appreciation for animals and the sport itself, so I will always defend it. Most people think that hunting is harmful to the environment, unsafe for people, and inhumane for animals. In reality, hunting is not harmful to the environment and is […]

Legal Law

Good life: how to enter the land of more than enough

There are three “lands” mentioned in the Old Testament. They are “types” or “shadows” of what Christians can experience today. The Israelites were slaves for four hundred years in the land of Egypt. This was the land of “Not Enough”. If you’re broke or in debt, you’re in “Not Enough” land. Moses led the Israelites […]