Search Engine Optimization – Website Marketing SEO
Digital Marketing

Search Engine Optimization – Website Marketing SEO

Approximately 85% of all traffic generated to a website originates from search engines. (As long as they are correctly optimized for search engines). Websites that lack proper optimization will suffer significantly in search engine results.

What is search engine optimization?

Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, is the process of incorporating keywords into various areas of a website for indexing by the search engines to which it has been submitted. Search engines then use that index when creating results for a browser’s search.

Keywords and phrases are incorporated throughout a website, from obvious page titles and headers to invisible elements like META and ALT tags. Specific word count, including the correct proportion of keywords and phrases found in each element of a website, is critical not only to rank high in search engines, but also to avoid being penalized or banned for send spam.

Search engines and keywords

Optimizing a website first and foremost requires an accurate list of keywords and phrases. If this list isn’t accurate, it will actually hurt, even ruin, your chances of being found by your audience.

How fast can you see the results of SEO optimization?

The time it takes to achieve organic listings obtained through SEO optimization varies widely from one search engine to another. One factor that affects a website’s ability to achieve organic listings is its age. A website that has been active for more than a year and is indexed with search engines and is already getting traffic can see results in a few weeks. A new website that has received little to no traffic and has no search engine history can take a year or more before substantial traffic can be generated through search engine optimization efforts alone.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services

Based on a client-provided or approved list of keywords, the SRC can optimize a new or existing website and successfully submit it to relevant search engines for indexing.

Search Engine Traffic Report – Track Your SEO Efforts

The SRC can provide a detailed report analyzing the traffic generated by organic listings achieved on search engines. This report will help you track the results of your SEO efforts.

Search engine positioning report

The SRC can provide a report detailing the overall visibility achieved by a website based on the list of keywords used in SEO.

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