
Speaking Tips – Too nasal? How to modify an unpleasant voice

Along with what you say, the way you sound has a profound effect on other people’s perception of you. If you talk ‘through the nose’ with a nose rasp, it can undermine your confidence and make you reluctant to speak at work or in social situations.

So how do you develop a clear voice and prevent sting? Daily vocal exercises can make a real difference in the way you speak.

exercise your larynx

Standing up, take a deep breath and say the following: “me me me me me me me” until all the air has expired.

Now pinch the bridge of your nose. Repeat the exercise, but this time exhale only through the nose, so that no air escapes through the nostrils.

Alternate between doing this with a stuffy nose and then without, so you get used to feeling the difference between the two.

The power of repetition

Another useful task is to exaggerate the pronunciation of vowels and consonants. Here’s an exercise we use in the voiceover industry to improve vocal performance. Try putting letter combinations together in bite-sized formations.

For example: ABT EBT IBT OBT UBT.

Just pronounce the phonetic sound of each letter. So the letter B would be delivered as a short hard “B” and not said as “bee”. Work through the above faster and faster.

Doing tongue twisters like “Peter Piper chose a pickled pepper” can also help.

Monitor your progress

Since our brains tend to make us sound better than we are, try recording your vocal exercises so you can keep an eye on (or more accurately hear) how you’re doing. Most modern mobile phones, particularly smartphones, have a built-in recording device.

Before you start recording, make sure you feel relaxed and in a comfortable environment. Take regular sips of warm water and if you feel like you are straining your voice, stop and rest. Small incremental steps are always much better than giant unsustainable leaps.

Gradually you should notice that the quality of your speech is improving. Your goal is a crisp delivery with a clear resonance.

You are what you eat and drink

We often underestimate the influence of food and drink on our vocal patterns. Lactose and high-fat beverages like milk, shakes, hot chocolate, cappuccinos, and lattes can give you that stuffy nose…and sound. The same goes for fatty red meats and heavy puddings or dairy desserts.

Avoid them, or at least reduce them if you can. Replace with non-carbonated beverages and add more leafy vegetables and citrus fruits. A fresh palate can do wonders for your vocal clarity.

However, if you still sound nasal after doing these exercises, you may have a physiological condition that requires medical attention. If this is the case, it is worth seeking medical advice from your doctor.

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