Spiritual and New Age Books – Many Include Good Advice, Some Empty Promises
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Spiritual and New Age Books – Many Include Good Advice, Some Empty Promises

We are often asked what metaphysical and spiritual books we recommend.

You’ll find some grains of truth, wisdom, and a lot of inspiration (“You can do it! Ra-ra!”) in most metaphysical publications, especially the best sellers. After all, you’d think a lot of people bought them because of the valuable content, rather than just a big-name author or very effective PR and marketing. At least I hope so.

You may not like us after reading this article. But if you heed our advice, you will eventually forgive us, even thank us, for helping you save an enormous amount of time and money on your spiritual journey. We would rather generate positive karma (how selfish of us!) than lead you down a path of illusion just to make a quick buck.

If you’re new to metaphysics, or just want to gain a deeper understanding of it, we recommend titles that cover the basics in an objective way, such as reincarnation, personal karma, fate, fate (same as fate in our opinion). ) and meditation. , among others. A basic understanding of numerology, astrology, and other self-discovery tools can go a long way, but knowing just a little about any esoteric science can do more harm than good unless you develop and trust your intuition more.

Why are these issues so important? There is a good reason why they are an essential part of most of the world’s major non-Western religions and spiritual philosophies. Once you understand the inner workings of these sacred themes, your life and the world around you will make more sense.

With regard to astrology and numerology, we recommend works (or modern objective interpretations of those works) from before the 17th century AD. C. (with some exceptions). While we value some forms of personality analysis using select forms of modern psychological numerology and astrology, we have found most modern methods to be too subjective and recklessly creative, therefore invalid.

Regardless of the titles you choose, beware if an author’s theories and messages deny personal karma and destiny and he or she refuses to acknowledge that a variable amount of personal adversity is needed for spiritual growth.

Imagine that! The seemingly inevitable trials you’ve had related to finances, your health, or those with a lover, family, or boss have ultimately resulted in you being a much wiser person. Who would have thought that you could be grateful for such experiences and that they served you perfectly?

Too many of the well-known authors in the New Age and spiritual field exclude discussion of or even mention of hard spiritual truths, such as those involving the not-so-fun parts of life and those relating to its spiritual checks and balances.

This may be because they have not studied the concepts and are not aware of their importance. Or it may be because fate and karma greatly contradict the main messages of your book or books, sometimes even completely invalidating your claims or steps to success.

Personally, we feel we owe it to our readers and clients to be candid about fate, karma, and other metaphysical topics. We may initially lose some potential customers who don’t want to face the realities of these issues, but since people are better off with awareness in the long run, we are often thanked later. We are simply sharing the results of more than 20 years of our empirical research, without an agenda and without a rigid marketing platform that rejects information that is not 100% joyful, uplifting or inspiring.

The following are quotes from various well-known spiritual and metaphysical authors and teachers, along with our comments to show you how, in our well-researched opinions, people are being misled.

“Life is supposed to be good for you. You can be, do, or have anything you want.”

And if you just buy this book, you will instantly manifest a life of pure comfort and luxury, erasing all your negative karma, and have everything you want! Sorry, that’s pure fantasy, wishful thinking. There is no such thing as utopia and anyone trying to sell it is either delusional or trying to cheat you for their own financial gain.

“Did you know that you have the power to eliminate all the struggles in your life?”

Sure, just change your mindset and all your problems will be gone! This has to do with a secret (New Age) spiritual formula, also known as denial and self-deception. Yes, the way you perceive the circumstances of your life can make a difference, but it will not allow you to bypass the karma that was set in motion before you were born, or avoid the important and challenging circumstances of life that serve to strengthen your soul. .

“Inside, you’ll find all the tools you need to get what you want out of life.”

The last page of this book has a word in size 17, in bold: “Idiot!” There really are no magic solutions to life’s complexities, as most realize (or will realize, in time).

“…it will help you learn how to manifest your desires so that you live the happy and fulfilling life you deserve… It is your birthright to live a life filled with all that is good, and this book will show you how to do so. in every sense!”

As we have said many times in previous articles, we have found through extensive empirical research that everyone’s birthrights are different, and no one is entitled to anything that they have not earned in a karmic sense. All the good things they say? Without “bad” there would be no “good”.

We almost hope to see New Age books soon making promises like: “You deserve to overcome the urge to poop” and “It’s your birthright to feel energized and never sleep again!”

“The world of infinite possibilities is waiting for you.”

Not really. What awaits you is what your soul has planned before you incarnated, and this can clash with what your ego (personality) wants.

“…It allows you to balance your key emotions to reach your destiny.”

Simply “balancing your emotions” to get what you want is like putting an insincere smile on your face in an attempt to feel fulfilled. Your destiny is not a destiny, it is not “the life of your dreams” that involves all the trappings of material and romantic success, and only sometimes it is what you consciously choose. It is your personal destiny, and your soul dictates it, not your conscious mind.

It’s ironic that the author of this book uses the word fate in the title, but he clearly doesn’t even understand its true meaning, the constant meaning that has been associated with the word since the ancients began predicting personal destiny!

“…It helps you get in touch with the natural, inexhaustible flow of wealth. Once you tap into that flow, you can sustain and increase it indefinitely… You deserve to live a life of freedom, flow, and confidence.”

Increase wealth indefinitely? We teach, as in our Direct Your Destiny ePacket, how to make the most of your life. We believe that you have free will to achieve the destined goals and those that fit your personal karmic and predestined plan. However, no New Age or spiritual author, as far as we know, has directly or indirectly helped produce billionaires, but today there are certainly many millionaire snake oil salesmen, er, we mean New Age inspirers. . authors There are personal limits in life and you cannot achieve any particular goal unless it is your destiny to do so. If you don’t believe it, you would if you had done as much objective work in this field as we have. There is no denying the amazing correlations between personal destiny, karma and past life regression work, finely tuned intuition, and comprehensive numerology and astrology charts.

“Life is magical. It doesn’t have to be difficult. The universe each of us experiences can be luminous. Your life can be anything you imagine.”

We agree that life is magical, and as long as you have a great imagination, you can imagine anything you want. In fact, imagination is a great tool to help bridge the gap with reality. But those dreams won’t come true unless they are part of your destined path. The good news is that if you are centered and grounded (regular meditation helps), you will naturally tend to focus on the goals and dreams that are meant for you.

“One’s positive thoughts are powerful magnets that attract wealth, health, happiness.”

This is excerpted from one of the best selling metaphysical books published in recent years. We have written about it in previous articles.

It is unfortunate that this overly simplistic spiritual view, while denying all other conflicting spiritual laws, implies that people who suffer natural disasters or are killed in plane crashes, for example, must have had few positive thoughts that day.

Are these authors selling their souls to the devil to make money? Most of them probably mean well (we hope!), but be careful with the major life-changing claims. If it sounds too good to be true, it is.

Hey, we’re all for a lot of inspiration, but if it’s not grounded in spiritual truth, it’s ultimately not going to be for your highest good. Now do you see why New Age has gotten a bad rap?

Commercially corrupted versions of spirituality are big sellers because the packaging is captivating, the marketing is powerful, almost anyone featured in the mainstream media is given instant credibility, there is a herd of sheep mentality, and people have always sought immediate and quick gratification. fixed.

We recommend reading whatever appeals to you, as snippets of wisdom and inspiration can be found in most books, often just what you need at the time. But keep in mind that if the author promises, for example, a perfectly compatible soul mate or overflowing financial abundance, these may not be your personal birthright and such lofty goals will not be achieved unless they are part of one’s destiny. person. road. Everyone’s personal destiny is different.

Within all self-help, inspirational, and spiritual books, we’d like to see a one-page disclaimer about the reality of fate and karma, and personal adversity, and how the promises the author makes are not applicable to you. everyone, not even anyone. . But then again, it may not be everyone’s personal destiny and karma to be aware of the concepts of destiny and karma, even though their lives are governed by them.

Copyright © Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo

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