
The forward head posture epidemic

Most of us appreciate that posture is important. The ideal posture means that there is an ideal distribution of forces in the different joints of the body and a balanced muscle tone. Optimal posture will help you not only feel great, but also look great and radiate confidence!

Today, I am going to talk about a common postural phenomenon: forward head posture. I call this an epidemic because Webster’s dictionary defines epidemic as “affecting or tending to affect a disproportionately large number of individuals within a population, community or region.” When I meet people in my community, I see this everywhere!

What is forward head posture?

Forward head posture is when the head moves forward relative to the torso. It is also commonly associated with straight neck syndrome (when there is loss of the normal curvature of the neck). Ideally, when looking at a person from the side, the ear should line up with the shoulder. Forward head posture is common, especially in students and office workers who sit at a desk for hours on end.

Causes of forward head posture:

Common causes of forward head posture are …
1) Carrying a backpack that is too heavy or too low: Your head often moves forward to counteract the weight of your bag.
2) Bending over or leaning forward for extended periods at the work station.
3) General lack of postural awareness.

Symptoms associated with forward head posture:

Common symptoms associated with forward head posture are …
1) neck pain
2) Tense and sore muscles in the back of the neck and shoulders.
3) Irritation of the joints
4) Headaches
5) Back pain (yes, even back pain!)

What Causes These Symptoms? Basically, there is a suboptimal load on the muscles and joints. The head is similar to a bowling ball, about 10 pounds, which is placed on the neck and shoulders. When you move forward, your back neck muscles must work harder to counter your head. Hence, tense and sore muscles. When the muscles tense, the pressure between the joints also increases. This, combined with shear forces from a suboptimal position, produces joint irritation. Joint irritation and excessive muscle tension in the neck often lead to headaches due to pain shunt. Irritated nerve endings in the neck refer pain to the head that causes or contributes to tension headaches.

Now what about back pain, you ask? Yes, forward head posture can even cause back pain. All the joints and muscles in your body are functionally connected. Think back to high school physics class when you learned about levers. When an object moves away from the fulcrum, the force (or moment) of rotation increases. You can apply this concept to lift a large object using a long lever. The only problem in the lower back is that the lever is short and cannot be changed. So when your head moves forward relative to your center of gravity, your lower back muscles must shoot like crazy to counter your head; otherwise it will fall off.

How to fix forward head posture:

Chiropractic care can help you correct forward head posture. Your chiropractor will quickly and easily identify postural defects and let you know if you have any. Specific exercises may be prescribed to stretch relatively short, tight muscles and to strengthen relatively weaker and longer muscles. A chiropractor will help you become more aware of your posture. Individualized treatments, including chiropractic adjustments, will help release pressure on tight, restricted, and irritated joints, balancing spinal mechanics and relieving pain.

So, go see your chiropractor! Or, if you’re from Toronto, come see me!

A healthy spine = A healthy body!

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