The Great Gatsby Plan for Success

The Great Gatsby Plan for Success

When I read biographies, autobiographies, or management articles and textbooks, I am always struck by one thing that all successful people have in common: they all set goals. I guess all normal human beings do that every day; they have a mental plan of what they will achieve during the day, or in the short term.

However, for successful people, the goals they set for themselves are both short-term and long-term. And they write down those goals. This is the secret of success, because the plans, goals and objectives not committed in writing, many times are nothing more than dreams. A concrete written list will turn you into a doer, a mental list into a wayward dreamer.

While many readers search for Jay Gatsby’s magical occult formula for wealth and success, I’m sure they simply overlook Gatsby’s self-improvement program. But make no mistake; there we find the roots of his success.

Here is an exchange between Jay’s father and Nick Carraway, the narrator:

Jay’s father: “Jimmy was meant to get ahead. He always had some resolutions like this or something. Do you realize what he has about improving his mind? He was always good at it. He told me I was like a pig once and I beat him for it.”

Nick: “He was reluctant to close the book, reading each article aloud and then looking at me excitedly. I think he expected me to copy the list for my own use.”

Nick was unwilling to copy the list because he is already an educated, well-connected, Yale-educated, wealthy man. He is not a self-made man. For others, however, we can see that from an early age Jay Gatsby had committed himself to becoming a success.

Gatsby Hours:

Getting out of bed ……………………………………………… …. ..6.00 …………….AM

Dumbbell Exercise and Wall Climbing………………………6.15 – 6.30……….”

Study electricity, etc……………………………..7.15 – 8.15…. …… ”

Works…………………………………………. ………..8.30 – 4.30……..PM

Baseball and Sports………………………………4:30 – 5:00…. …… ”

Practice elocution, poise and how to achieve it…..5.00 – 6.00……….”

Studying Necessary Inventions……………………………..7.00 – 9.00……”

What can we learn from this schedule? We learn that he is an early riser; that he cares for his body as well as his mind. The poignant thing is that his vision of success included a personality or an image, a cultivated and balanced image. As the story unfolds, we learn that he uses everything he puts on his schedule, from climbing walls (perhaps social climbing) to inventions, baseball, and sports.

Your general resolves:

No messing around in Shafters or [a name, indecipherable].

No more smoking or chewing.

Bathe every two days.

Read one improvement book or magazine per week.

Save $5.00 [crossed out] $3.00 per week.

Be better with parents.


That Jay Gatsby went on a quest to get rich, there is no doubt. There is no doubt that he achieved wealth by taking short cuts and dubious deals with shady figures. The text is completely clear. The question that remains is, would he have been successful without a written contract with himself?

No architect, builder, or contractor would set out to build a house without house plans. Success needs a plan.

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