The problem of choosing the devil you know

The problem of choosing the devil you know

Is there risk in the change? Absolutely!

What stops many of us is the unknown result: the fear of exchanging the devil we know for the devil we don’t know.

But there are risks in not changing too.

What is not working now will continue to not work. Whereas whatever is working now will gradually stop working or will only continue to work through the application of ever greater effort as a result of changes (external forces) taking place in our environment.

Inoerocia n. 1. Physics The tendency of a body to resist acceleration, such as the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest or of a body in motion to remain in motion in a straight line unless disturbed by an external force. 2. Resistance to change or movement. (Webster’s II New College Dictionary)

If you recognize that change is constantly happening around you, then the real question is about your willingness to suffer the problems that now exist and will inevitably occur while you resist change. Frankly, if change really is inevitable, why put it off?

Are you waiting for clarity? While he waits for some sign from on high, the resolution of all unknown problems, or perhaps he excuses his inaction by virtue of all the other things he has to do, the problem(s), far from disappearing, will only be done. larger. , the deepest hole, the most intense wound, pain and alienation, and the most complex and costly solution.

“Consider the handiwork of God: who can make straight what is crooked? When things go right, rejoice; but when things go wrong, consider this: God has put one side by side in such a way that no one can find out what is going wrong.” to happen later”. Ecclesiastes 7:13-14

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