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The types of yoga

The term “yoga” applies to a variety of practices and methods that also include Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist practices. In Hinduism, these practices include Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Laya Yoga, and Hatha Yoga.

Ashtanga Yoga

The Yoga Sutras of Pantajali, which are the oldest known written compilation on yoga, include Raja Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga (the eight limbs that must be practiced to attain Samadhi). The ultimate goal of yoga practice is to obtain Samadhi or the unity of the individual self with the Supreme Being. Patanjali claims that this supreme union can be achieved by eliminating the ‘vruttis’ or the different modifications of the mind. The mind, in turn, can be controlled by the correct discipline and training of the body. The Yoga-Sutra of Patanjali is composed of:

  1. Yama: Social restrictions or ethical values ​​to live. They include: Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truthfulness), Asteya (not stealing), Brahmacharya (celibacy, faithfulness to one’s partner), and Aparigraha (non-possessiveness).

  2. Niyama – Include the personal observances of – Sauca (clarity of mind, speech and body), Santosha (satisfaction), Tapas (perseverance). Svadhyaya (self-study, self-reflection, study of the Vedas) and Ishvara-Pranidhana (contemplation of God / Supreme Self / True Self)

  3. Asana: Literally means “seat”, and in the Patanjali Sutras it refers to the sitting position used for meditation.

  4. Pranayama –Prana, breathing, “ayama”, restrict or stop, that is, regulation of breathing

  5. Pratyahara – Withdrawal of consciousness in preparation for meditation.

  6. Dharana – Concentration

  7. Dhyana – Meditation.

  8. Samadhi: freeing the body to achieve ecstasy.

Furthermore, Patanjali has identified some basic obstacles that prevent the mind from practicing yoga. He has divided them into 2 classes:

  1. Antarayas (intruders on the path of yoga)

  2. Viksepasahabhuvah (coexisting with mental distraction)

There are 9 Antarayas:

  1. Vyadhi (physical disease): If a body suffers from any disease, it needs to be cured and restored to a healthy state. The disease causes disorder of the mind and makes it difficult to practice yoga or any other form of physical discipline.

  2. Styana (mental laziness): The human desire to reap the fruits of action without any effort does not lead to mental health. It takes great willpower to end this ailment.

  3. Samshaya (doubt): faith is the only cure to dispel all doubts that arise.

  4. Pramada (carelessness): if one does not realize how to cultivate the virtues, Yoga cannot be practiced.

  5. Alasya (physical laziness): participating in healthy activities helps overcome this laziness

  6. Avirati (detachment): the mind needs detachment from material objects to attain Yoga.

  7. Bhrantidarsana (false perception) – Leads to vanity and should be kept away.

  8. Alabdha-bhumikatva (non-attainment of yogic states): recognizing the evil traits of our personality and banishing them would help in the long run

  9. Anavasthitatva (moving away from the yogic states reached)

There are 4 Viksepasahabhuvah

  1. Dukha: pain and suffering inflicted on the human mind.

  2. Daurmanasya – disappointment due to non-fulfillment of wishes and ambition.

  3. Angamejayatva – restlessness of the limbs due to mental agitation.

  4. Shvasa and prashvasa: forced inhalation and exhalation. Controlled breathing or balanced breathing exerts a calming influence on the mind.

Patanjali claims that these impediments can be removed through meditation and devotion to God; It will pave the way for self-realization.

Vashishta Yoga:

Yoga Vashishta is supposed to have been revealed by the Vedic sage Vashishta to his royal disciple, Lord Rama, who is said to be a reincarnation of Lord Vishnu. Yoga Vashishta is made up of 32,000 shlokas. In this scripture, the sage Vashishta explains the teachings of Vedanta in the form of stories to Lord Rama. It teaches you about the deceptive nature of the world, it teaches you the best means to achieve wisdom and happiness, thus showing you the path that leads to the supreme spirit.

Kundalini Yoga (Laya Yoga):

This form of yoga was first introduced in The Yoga-Kundalini Upanishad in the first half of the 17th century. Kundalini yoga is the yoga of consciousness. Kundalini is primordial energy or Shakti, which remains inactive and is coiled at the base of the spine like a snake. It is the energy of consciousness and consciousness in any human form. Kundalini yoga is supposed to awaken the sleeping Kundalini Shakti from its coiled position at the spinal base through a series of 6 chakras and penetrates into the seventh chakra, or the crown. The purpose of this form of yoga through daily kriya practice and sadhana meditation is said to be a practical technology of human consciousness to achieve its maximum creative potential. The practice of this Kundalini Yoga regularly leads one to free oneself from one’s own karma and to realize one’s purpose in life (Dharma).

Nada Yoga:

The basic theory behind Nada Yoga is that the entire universe and all its inhabitants consist of sound vibrations or nothing (Sanskrit, ‘nad’ means sound). ‘Nothing’ resonates with the sound of ‘Om’, which is the primitive form of energy. Nada yoga practices forms of exercise that summon the union of the self with God, through sound or music. The system of N? Da yoga divides sound or music into two categories: internal sound, anahata, and external sound, ahata. In Nada yoga, the person focuses their attention on the ‘anahata’ nada or inner sound. The focus should be primarily on the sound that is produced within the human body and not on external vibrations. The aspirant experiences a sense of stillness, which gives him the ability to reconnect with the soul or the “atman”. Nada yoga helps us tune in to all sounds, finally immersing us in the cosmic sound, ‘Om’. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali state that the mantra ‘Om’ is “the sound expressed by the Supreme Being, which must be chanted repeatedly while at the same time absorbing its meaning.”

Jnana yoga:

Jnana (wisdom or knowledge) is the most difficult path to reach in Yoga and requires great willpower and intellect. The main objective of this form of yoga is to free oneself from the deceptive world of maya (thoughts and perceptions) and to achieve the union of the inner Self (Atman) with the unity of all life (Brahman). This is achieved by continually practicing the mental techniques of self-questioning, contemplation, and conscious enlightenment stated in the Chatushtaya (Four Pillars of Knowledge) sadhana. These four pillars are the steps to achieve liberation. Continuous practice of these steps would cultivate spiritual awareness, understanding, and reduce suffering and dissatisfaction in life. The 4 steps are:

  1. Viveka (discernment, discrimination): deliberate intellectual effort to differentiate between the permanent and the temporary and the Self and the non-Self.

  2. Vairagya (detachment): the mind needs detachment from material objects to attain Yoga.

  3. Shatsampat (six virtues): six mental practices of calm, restraint, renunciation, resistance, confidence and concentration to stabilize the mind and emotions

  4. Mumukshutva (longing): passionate desire to be free from suffering.

It is equally important to practice humility and compassion on the path of self-realization.

Bhakti Yoga:

Bhakti (devotion or love) Yoga is one of the four main paths to achieve enlightenment. This form of yoga strives to unite the bhakta (aspirant) with the Divine. Bhakti Yoga is said to be the easiest and most direct method to experience the unity of mind, body and spirit. Bhakti Yoga requires only an open and loving heart, while Hatha Yoga requires a strong and flexible body, Raja Yoga requires a disciplined and concentrated mind, and Jnana Yoga requires a sharp intellect. Bhakti Yoga complements other yoga paths well, and it is said that jnana (knowledge or wisdom) will emerge when you immerse yourself in the devotional practices of Bhakti Yoga.

Hatha yoga

Hatha (Ha-sun; tha-moon) yoga refers to the balance of the masculine – active, warm, solar – and feminine – receptive, cool, lunar – aspects within all of us. Create a path to balance and the union of opposing forces. He strives to bring the mind and body together through a series of asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises) as described in ancient Hindu texts. These practices help activate the Kundalini energy and purify the body of negative thoughts. It is a very popular form of yoga in the western world today.

By practicing Hatha Yoga, we develop a balance of strength and flexibility physically. In addition, we learn to control our mind by balancing our physical efforts and surrendering to the pose. Hatha yoga is a powerful means of achieving self-transformation. We learn the science of controlling our breathing, which in turn allows us to control the wanderings of our mind.

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