Lifestyle Fashion

The wedding toast of the father of the bride

The father of the bride traditionally gives a wedding speech at the wedding reception that takes place after the wedding ceremony. It ends with a toast to the bride and groom.

The social custom of taking a toast dates back to ancient times. A person raises a glass and expresses some feeling about another person or some significant event, and invites the others present to share that thought by also raising their glasses and taking a sip.

As part of raising the glass during a toast, it is common practice to clink glasses with your immediate neighbors, reinforcing shared feelings and adding sound to the sensations of sight, touch, smell, and taste that accompany take a sip from the glass.

A toast can take many forms. On formal occasions it is customary for a toast to be proposed in honor of the head of state.

At the other extreme, a group of friends having a drink at the end of a workday usually celebrate their first sip with a short toast such as “cheers”, “all the best”, “skol”, “prosit” and many more. other language and cultural variations.

The feelings behind a toast can range from a celebration of success, good humor, best wishes and hopes for the future, loyalty to a cause, deep emotional feelings for someone or something, and admiration. A toast is usually short and direct, although it can be accompanied by a long speech before the toast. Spoken loudly and enthusiastically, the toast is an invitation for others present to share the expressed sentiment.

The words used to propose a toast have almost become a form of poetry in their own right. They can be sentimental, witty, defiant, emotional, cynical, or thoughtful. Over the centuries, many clever authors have written succinct, concise, and memorable toasts for different occasions.

The father of the bride traditionally ends his wedding speech with a toast to the bride and groom. Usually this toast expresses the wish that the newlywed couple enjoy a long and happy life together. Here is a simple example of many that might be suitable to suit toasting to the bride and groom:

“Good health to you,

And wealth for you

And the best that life can give you.

May fortune continue to be kind to you

And life is long and good for you

It is the toast of all your friends for you. “

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