Natural remedies for glandular fever
Health Fitness

Natural remedies for glandular fever

Glandular fever is caused by infection with the Epstein-Barr virus, a close relative of the herpes virus. The infection often occurs in adolescents and young adults (although this is not always the case, as can be seen in the second case study below). Symptoms of glandular fever include sore throat, headache, swollen glands, and exhaustion. The condition is often preceded by a degree of stress. Symptoms can last for months and may recur for several years. It has been shown that after such an infection, a number of abnormalities occur, such as food allergies, changes in the immune system and cell metabolism, as well as the persistence of the virus. Some people are dismissed as neurotic or malingerers, but they are often very ill.

What can you do to help Remedies for glandular fever should be aimed at improving the situation of nervous exhaustion, as well as improving the lymphatic congestion most frequently associated with the condition. This then means:

  • Vitamin C, B vitamins and zinc to improve immunity and energy levels. These can be obtained as part of a good multivitamin and mineral supplement.
  • Potassium phosphate to help the nervous system.
  • Herbs to help cleanse the liver and lymphatic system. These include: burdock, dandelion, red clover, violet leaves, and centaury.
  • Herbs for the nervous system such as linden flowers (linden) and hops.
  • It is important to eat a diet that supports the immune system by cleansing the colon and the rest of the body.

Herbal mix for glandular fever An herbal concoction that can help with die-hard viral infections like glandular fever, even if the problem has developed into a debilitating low-level weakness, is as follows.

  • 2 parts echinacea
  • 2 parts poke root
  • 2 parts wild indigo
  • 2 parts wormwood
  • 1 part myrrh

Combine the herbs and use 2 teaspoons of the herb mixture in a cup and pour boiling water. Allow this to sit for 10-15 minutes. Strain the tea when it has cooled. The mixture should be drunk three times a day. If you don’t like the unpleasant taste, you can mask it by using licorice.

Case Study: Glandular Fever Ian, 22, visited with an acute attack of glandular fever. He had been out of work for five weeks and had an enlarged liver and spleen as associated problems.

Ian’s treatment consisted of:

  • a general multivitamin and mineral supplement with additional vitamins: zinc, vitamin C and B complex.
  • General cleansing of the colon, in particular through dietary changes and digestive support.
  • Lymphatic cleansing and liver toning herbs: burdock, violet leaves, dandelion root and leaves, hops, linden flowers, centaury and wahoo.

Since Ian was an acute case, some of these herbs were given more frequently than the usual three times a day. Ian was seen after two weeks instead of the usual four. At that time, she was generally better and the treatment described above was continued. On a subsequent visit he reported that all symptoms had improved.

Case Study: Fatigue Following a Viral Infection Neil was a 57-year-old car salesman who had had a severe attack of glandular fever 18 months earlier. Since then, he had been worried about tiredness and swollen glands in his neck. He also experienced weight loss, depression, loss of taste, and headaches. Investigations showed that his blood zinc levels were normal but at a very low level in sweat (107 parts per billion – normal range 360 ​​- 680 parts per billion).

His treatment consisted of the following:

  • Zinc supplements and multivitamins and minerals.
  • Colon cleansing and changes in your diet to include more fresh fruits and vegetables and a reduction in the production of dairy and refined flours.
  • Herbs for your liver and lymphatic system: dandelion, milk thistle, burdock, echinacea, and centaury.

Within a week he regained his sense of taste and felt less tired. Over the next three months, he continued to improve with his energy level almost returning to normal and his enlarged glands returning to his normal size. Deficiencies of zinc, iron, and vitamin B6 are relatively common and are important causes of poor resistance or poor recovery from infections. Sometimes zinc deficiencies can be present despite normal blood zinc levels and it is worth trying zinc supplements along with multivitamin and mineral supplements and a healthy diet and colon cleanse.

Glandular fever is a disease that can go unnoticed with a debilitating effect. It can be treated with a natural approach that cleanses the colon, improves the diet, the digestive, nervous and lymphatic systems.

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