There are 4 types of people in network marketing: which one are you?

There are 4 types of people in network marketing: which one are you?

In any home based business there are 4 different and distinct types of people. Which one are you? Which ones should you avoid? And which ones should you always listen to? Listen up because everything is fine here!

In any home-based business, network marketing company, or MLM opportunity, you’ll find: the dreamers, the big talkers, the hard workers, and the winners.

Let’s start with the dreamers because there are a lot of them. In fact, in every single home based business there are probably more dreamers than everyone else combined. Dreamers are the ones that make up the MLM masses.

Dreamers are good people with big dreams. They want to quit their job, they want a fancy car and a nice vacation. Dreamers are usually kind-hearted hard-working people with regular full-time jobs. Although housewives can also be in the category of dreamers.

Anyone starting out in MLM will start out as a dreamer. The key is not to stop there. If you’ve been with a company for over a year and you’re still in the dreamer category, chances are you’ll never make it in business. That may sound bad, but it’s just the truth.

Dreaming is good, but if you’re not working to make it happen, it’s pretty useless.

The next category to look out for is the big talkers. I’m sure you know the type. They are pretty much impossible to miss after all.

The great talkers are the ones who sign up to start a company and like to talk about how successful they are going to be. You can always spot these people because they will say something like:

“I’m going to be the fastest person to get to $100,000 a year” or “I have a sales background, so I’m going to blow this thing out of the water.”

It’s not that it’s bad to make these claims, but you better be prepared to back them up and 99.9% of the time the “big talkers” don’t.

Like the dreamers, it’s okay to start here (although it will annoy some people), but if you’ve been in business for a while and still aren’t doing what you’ve been saying, you probably never will. willpower.

Great conversationalists often come and go in a home based business.

Then there are the workers, these are people who are having moderate success in their business because they work hard for it.

They may not know everything about everything, but they are consistent and on their way to the top. Workers might even make enough money to quit their full-time job, but they still haven’t had their breakthrough.

If you stay in the worker category long enough and continue, you will move to our final category.
The winners! You know a winner when you see one. They are the ones on the stage, teaching others, winning contests and awards, and showing everyone else what they too should aspire to.

There aren’t usually many winners in any business, but that’s not because it’s impossible to get there, just because most people aren’t willing to stay in the worker category long enough.

Winners are usually still working on their business, but their focus is often more about helping others succeed, since they’ve already been successful themselves.

So which category do you fall into? No matter what it is, remember that it IS possible to be successful working from home. You just have to keep working hard and believe in yourself and your business.

See you in the winner’s circle!

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