Two back exercises to avoid and their alternatives
Health Fitness

Two back exercises to avoid and their alternatives

There are many weight-bearing exercises that have benefits for you and your fitness. There are some heavy exercises that can cause serious problems if not executed correctly. Although I am not one of those who avoid an exercise because it can be executed poorly, I believe that there are better alternatives than those exercises. Isolation-type exercises can cause problems and serve no functional purpose. Doing leg extensions and leg curls sound like great leg exercises, but you can do better with back squats or deadlifts. Compound movements, like lunges with bicep curls, are much better than these isolated exercise movements. But, I would avoid these two back exercises because they can cause serious back injuries. There are much better alternatives.

The first exercise I would avoid is the weighted good morning exercise. This is done by placing a barbell across your back (as if you were going to do a squat). Then, with both legs straight, you lean forward and return to the starting position. Perhaps, it is a better exercise without weights on your back, but this exercise can cause serious back injuries. The late Bruce Lee hurt his back while he was doing some of these good morning exercises with weights. I always wondered why it’s called a good morning exercise. You have to make sure you keep your core tight or you will injure yourself. Back rows and deadlifts are a much better alternative. If you need more work on your lower back, try hyperextensions (reverse crunches) either on the floor or using one of those hyperextension benches. But you’ll get great back development doing the deadlift and back rows.

Another exercise I would avoid is weighted side bends. This is done by holding dumbbells overhead and then leaning sideways. Personally, I strained my back a lot doing this exercise. I made a huge mistake by not squeezing my core hard enough doing this lift. It affects the stabilizing muscles in your core, but if you make a mistake, you will seriously injure yourself. Try doing one-arm barbell presses. They hit the stabilizing muscles of your core. Make sure to keep your core tight. This is not the time to relax them by doing these exercises.

The use of weights in the good morning exercise and side bends are dangerous if they are not executed correctly. The key is to keep your core tight and not relaxed. But, as I mentioned, there are better alternatives in the deadlift, back rows, and single-arm barbell press. Always keep safety in mind to avoid injury.

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