Two Most Important Tests in Internet Marketing

Two Most Important Tests in Internet Marketing

Life, as people often say, is governed by laws. For example, there is a “law of gravity” that simply states that what goes up must come down.

However, in this article, we are not going to deliberate on the laws of nature or scientific laws, but we are going to look at certain things that must be kept in mind for one to be successful in the world of internet marketing; these things are classified as tests because you necessarily have to pass them before you can be said to be a “successful” internet marketer.

These two tests are aptitude and attitude tests. Interestingly, you get an aptitude test for yourself while you’re at school, but more importantly, people get an attitude test for you. It then follows that you can make a distinction on the aptitude test but do 0 percent on the attitude test. Why? The two tests are independent of each other: you don’t need one to get the other; You don’t need aptitude to have attitude.

Let’s enter the math class for a better clarification and understanding of the terms or salient points in our context. If we represent the alphabets or letters of the word “SKILL” by numbers, we have the letter “A” as 1 (because the letter A is the first letter in English alphabets), “P” as 16, “T” as 20, “I” as 9; another “T” as 20, “U” as 21, “D” as 4 and “E” as 5. Then calculate the total number of numbers as follows: 1+16+20+9+20+21+4 +5=96. So this simple arithmetic shows that you only need 96 percent aptitude to be named a guru in your niche, field, area, or profession. But if we also represent the letters in the word “ATTITUDE” by numbers, we have the total number as calculated below:

1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5=100. So, interestingly enough, you need a total 100 percent attitude to be successful in your business life just like any other aspect of life.

Naturally, from the arithmetic calculations above, you will tell anyone that attitude is more important than aptitude. It simply means that you need to make sure you pass your attitude test more than you try to pass your aptitude or school test.

In internet marketing, the definition of attitude is simply integrity. And integrity is made up of two attributes: honesty and morality. Honesty simply means telling the truth. Don’t build your internet business on lies. You may think you are smart or just playing smart, but the business will one day crash or fall apart like a card game. Why? The foundation of the business is flawed. Be honest in all your dealings. Do not take shortcuts and think that this is the rule of the game. There is no such rule in marketing, not even internet marketing.

Another name for integrity is credibility. If you don’t establish credibility in your business as an Internet marketer, you’re done. Your clients and people must believe in you and that is where integrity or credibility comes in.

Trust me; Your success in Internet business depends entirely on your attitude: integrity.

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