Vaginal Candidiasis – What Is The Most Effective Drug-Free Treatment?

Vaginal Candidiasis – What Is The Most Effective Drug-Free Treatment?

One of the most uncomfortable things a woman has to deal with in her life is a vaginal yeast infection. These infections are caused by an overgrowth of the yeast candida albicans. This is a natural yeast found in the body and does not normally cause any problems, but it can overgrow for many different reasons.

One of the main causes of vaginal candidiasis is medications. When a woman takes antibiotics for an infection or a virus, she kills the good bacteria in her body. This, in turn, upsets the ph balance in a woman’s body and causes a yeast infection. She may also have problems if her blood sugar is high, if she is taking birth control pills, or if she is pregnant.

There are many over-the-counter medications and treatments you can use to help with the symptoms of a yeast infection, but many women don’t like dealing with the side effects that come with these types of treatments. There are many drug-free alternatives you can use to help get rid of a yeast infection without having to take prescription drugs or use over-the-counter treatments.

Eating foods that are packed with good bacteria can actually help clear up a vaginal yeast infection in no time. One of the best foods is plain yogurt. Plain yogurt can be used in two ways to help bring your pH back to normal. The first is by eating plain yogurt and the other is by putting a small amount on the outside of the vagina or by putting a little in a tampon and inserting it directly into the vagina. The key is to leave it alone for a short period of time so it doesn’t cause further irritation.

One of the biggest enemy yeasts is garlic, so you can see why adding a little garlic to your diet can be very helpful. There are supplements that can be inserted directly into the vagina for instant relief, but it is not necessary to get the full benefits. You can simply add more garlic to your diet or take a daily garlic supplement. Garlic has been used for a variety of ailments and is well known for its healing properties.

Another tried and true method of killing yeast is vinegar. Note that you can’t apply it directly to the skin as it can actually damage the area. It works best for vaginal yeast infections when you put about ½ cup in a warm bath and take a sitz bath. The best for you is an apple cider vinegar. Make sure to stay away from white vinegar.

Having a yeast infection doesn’t have to be the end of the world. If you discover that you are suffering from a yeast infection, you will want to start treating it as soon as possible. By using the drug-free treatments above, you will see your body return to normal in no time. You want to treat the infection effectively rather than just treating the symptoms. Natural treatments allow you to end candidiasis once and for all. They allow you to keep your body in proper balance so that future infections are not a problem.

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