Van Storage Ideas for Starting a Mobile Locksmith Business

Van Storage Ideas for Starting a Mobile Locksmith Business

Starting your own mobile locksmith business is a great opportunity as an entrepreneur, and protecting your inventory and equipment with proper van storage will improve your overall return on investment when starting your business.

Equip your van properly and you will be more organized, efficient and committed to your work. It’s frustrating trying to accomplish a task when you have to search around a randomly arranged van to find the right tools or supplies.

You don’t need to buy a new van to start your mobile locksmith business; however, it would be a wise investment to invest some time and money into storage ideas that will help you do your job more efficiently. Some of the taller trucks allow you to move around inside and sit at a workbench while you cut keys, without the risk of hitting your head every time you need to locate a tool.

Here are three things to consider when selecting van storage systems for your locksmith business.

Plan Van Storage Space for a Workbench

Since you are a mobile locksmith business, plan your storage space with a workbench in mind. Don’t settle for standing outside at the back doors of your truck. Get inside your mobile office and get out of the weather to get work done in comfort. Take the time to measure your space and find the best placement for a workbench and stool for comfort. A good mobile workbench allows six to seven feet of space to spread out and get your tasks done.

A full-length workbench can accommodate a key machine, as well as the necessary file storage and lockable drawers for your keys and other supplies. Maximize the storage space on your workbench by including catalog organizers, hooks, safety equipment, and other accessories that will make your job easier.

Van storage must include lockable drawers

There is nothing more annoying than hearing hundreds of blank keys jingling like wind chimes as you drive down the highway. Storing your product in well-padded, lockable drawers is a smart use of your cargo area. Keys will be protected from “road scuff” marks from rubbing against each other or other items.

Locking drawers as part of your storage space will also protect you from flying objects if you need to stop or swerve. Also, it looks very professional to have drawers full of your product, categorized and ready to go.

Van Storage is better organized with proper shelving

One of the most important storage concepts is determining your shelving needs. What tools and equipment will you need for your mobile locksmith business? What storage location for these tools will make your job more efficient?

Think of your truck as a mobile work cell and set it up as efficiently as possible. You’ll get your service calls through faster and you’ll be able to make more service calls throughout the day because your truck storage plan has helped you stay efficient.

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