
Wedding myths and superstitions

Ever since there have been weddings, there have been myths and superstitions that go along with them. Of course, like most things, the ideas for myths and superstitions have come from all over the world. Some myths are lighthearted and upbeat, while there are some superstitions that can seem quite harsh.

1. Regarding the rain on the wedding day, some say that many tears will be shed in the marriage, while others are excited because the rain on the wedding day is considered to bring good luck and blessings to the lucky couple. Some even place a statue of the Virgin Mary on the windowsill to ward off rain and bad luck, while others may hang a rosary from the window or clothesline to ensure a rain-free wedding day. A rainy wedding day also predicts that many children will be born to the wedding couple.

2. Regarding the myths and superstitions of a shoe and the wedding, a long time ago, the father passed a shoe from the bride to the groom to signify that he was giving his daughter in marriage. It is also considered good luck for the groom’s mother to throw a shoe at the bride when the couple leaves their reception so that the bride and her mother-in-law will be best friends forever. It is also considered good luck if a house cat eats from the bride’s shoe the week of her wedding. Also, the bride must have a penny in her shoe while married to have good luck and wealth.

3. The bridal wedding dress has its own myths and superstitions of colors and uses. Long ago, it was considered good luck to have a piece of the wedding dress, so the dress literally tore into pieces with the bride still in it. No dress was going to be more appropriate or longer than the bride’s wedding dress, as she should be the center of attention on her wedding day and it brought good luck. It is considered unfortunate for a groom to see his bride in her wedding dress and for her to try on the wedding dress more than once after changes. It is also good luck that the bride enters her wedding church on her right foot, while walking down the aisle after the wedding, it is customary to remove both wedding rings to ensure that there is no trouble for the couple in case of take them off. at another time. In addition, the bride must have all the bridesmaids sign the sole of her shoe, and the name that has not been abandoned is that of the next woman to marry.

4. The wedding ring is considered sacred and should not be slow for others to try it, this will surely bring luck and even the possibility of infidelity. If a bride ever removes her wedding rings, it must be the groom who returns them to her fingers to continue the good luck.

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