Audio – What did they say?

Audio – What did they say?

Audio is so important in making a good video, and yet it’s one of those things that gets largely ignored. There is nothing more frustrating than watching a video and not understanding a word of what is being said. That scratchy sound or where the voices sound distorted is so annoying that it can really ruin a video.

How to make sure you get the best audio quality in your video

Once you read this you’re going to have an ah ha moment! It’s so simple to make sure your audio quality is up to par. Positioning is the main thing that will affect the audio quality in your video. Where you are positioned holding the video equipment and who or what is positioned in front of you.

Is that how it works. For sound to reach our ears, it has to travel and bounce off people and things. Sometimes, even when we are within hearing distance of someone or something, it is hard to hear the sound because there is another sound or there are too many people or things between us and the sound. Some of the sound waves end up being absorbed by other people or objects. However, our brains are activated, and if we focus hard enough, we can still pick up sound. Unfortunately for us, video equipment doesn’t have the ability to filter out other noise nor can it focus more to hear what you’re meant to hear. So where you stand while holding your video equipment will really affect the audio quality of your movie.

For example, you’re filming a wedding and you’re a row or two away from the couple, and you have a clear shot between them and the video camera, chances are you’ll be able to pick up the audio of this event just fine. Now, let’s say you’re a row or two away from the couple, but there’s a person across from you who’s wearing sheets that makes a rustle every time that person moves and seems to move a bit, your audio is going to be affected by the creak. Sound closer to the camcorder will be louder during video playback.

Speaking of which, your voice, breathing, coughing, whispering, etc., will also be heard loudly. So a good rule of thumb is to be as quiet as possible.

Getting the best audio quality you can will really enhance your video and allow everyone to enjoy the movie!

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