What is the difference between sea salt and table salt?
Lifestyle Fashion

What is the difference between sea salt and table salt?

The main differences between sea salt and table salt is the mineral content and the method of processing. Sea salt is obtained by dehydrating seawater and is rich in health-boosting minerals. Table salt, on the other hand, can be obtained from both seawater and rock salts. But unlike sea salt, it goes through a lot of processing and doesn’t contain any minerals other than sodium.

As already mentioned, sea salt is extracted from sea waters. Harvesting is done by channeling large amounts of seawater into special tanks where nature itself allows it to be processed naturally. It is usually done in sunny weather because the sun helps speed up the dehydration of the water. As the water evaporates, it leaves behind its mineral content, which is known as sea salt.

Although salt does go through quite a bit of cleaning, all of its mineral contents are usually left intact for the consumer. Due to the mineral content, the salt takes on a different color. Some salts resemble sand in appearance, while others come in shades of pink or gray.

The process of collecting table salt is completely different. Whether sourced from the ocean or rock salts, the salt is cooked at extremely high temperatures and all mineral content except sodium chloride is removed. This is basically the purification process where all the unwanted debris is removed, leaving pure white salt crystals behind.

After table salt has been refined and purified, other ingredients are added to increase its value. It is commonly treated with iodine, a mineral that is important in helping with brain function and other body functions. Iodine is naturally present in sea salt, however it is often treated with additional dosage as well because it is a very important mineral and often difficult to obtain in any other way.

Other substances added to table salt include agents that help prevent it from sticking in humid weather. Although this is favorable, the substances often have a high aluminum content, which has many negative health effects. Also, aluminum is bitter, so it is necessary to add sugar to the salt to neutralize the bitterness.

Due to the different collection methods, sea salt and table salt have different effects on the overall health of the body. Sea salt is said to be much safer and healthier because it contains many naturally occurring minerals and is generally free of synthetic ingredients. It can help maintain fluid levels, increases energy, helps restore a healthy pH, and is also effective in relieving depression.

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