What is the side effect of drinking too much alkaline ionized water?
Lifestyle Fashion

What is the side effect of drinking too much alkaline ionized water?

“Excess alkalinity” is the most common question I have faced in my years of working in the ionized water industry. I saw a news article in the newspaper last month that a young doctor claims that we humans don’t need to drink alkaline water. He says that our body has the natural ability to regulate the body’s pH through urination, breathing and sweating.

Yes! He was right that our body has the natural ability to get rid of excess acids in the body, but he forgot that we no longer live in the natural environment. Almost all foods on the market are now processed using ‘high-tech’ methods for maximum commercial yield. And our diet has changed a lot from mainly plant-based to animal-based. The human being has become a carnivore.

The human body is not designed (or evolved) to process a high intake of protein and refined carbohydrates, these foods are the main cause of the accumulation of acids in the body. Obesity, gout, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and all the other so-called “modern diseases” are not really diseases. These are all just symptoms that the body is experiencing severe acidosis.

There is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner who says that alkaline is ‘Yang’ which means hot sun and consuming too much alkaline will ‘burn’ a person. How ironic! At first he was comparing alkaline water to a grass and then he said alkaline water is ‘inorganic’ saying it’s just dirt and rocks.

I’ve been drinking alkaline ionized water (every day at least 3 liters) of the highest alkalinity for the last few years and I still haven’t burned myself to ashes. On the contrary, I feel much more energetic and healthy since I started practicing an alkaline lifestyle. I rarely get sick. I have never visited any clinic or hospital to get a so-called medical consultation since the last 8 years after I learned the importance of keeping the body’s pH in balance.

The only reason some health professionals, whether traditional or conventional doctors, produced those kinds of junk items to prevent people from drinking alkaline ionized water is because they don’t want people to get ‘sick’ as a result of alkalize the body. Well, if fewer and fewer people are getting sick, these medical professionals will soon be out of business and end up eating their own herbs or pills for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They are the ones who are going to eat dirt and stones when everyone starts drinking alkaline ionized water regularly.

Herbs and pills are effective in a certain way, but the fact is that almost all medicines, whether they are herbs or pills, are poisons! You can use medicine to treat emergency conditions, such as food poisoning or a snake bite. There are popular Chinese medicine proverbs: yi du gong which means using poison to deal with poison. But the fact is that all these modern diseases are not caused by poisons, they are caused by acids. Simple science cures all.

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