Why does stress make me fat?
Health Fitness

Why does stress make me fat?

Answers to the top 20 questions about stress.

Recently, a researcher discovered that cortisol is linked to abdominal fat.

Then blamed as the ultimate reason for obesity and then can the pills and

other fat suppressant products that were said to be miracle products.

“Why does stress make me fat?”

Big Claims, Little Proof

After a web search on the subject of cortisol, here are some of the claims you may find:

* Stress makes you fat

* It’s what makes you fat

* Fat-reducing supplements control stress

* Stress-reducing supplements reduce abdominal fat

* Stress-reducing supplements eliminate “stress fat”

* Fat-reducing supplements balance hormone levels that cause stress

* Stomach fat reducing supplements increase muscle growth

Unfortunately, most of these claims have little to no truth and are simply brilliant marketing.

It is a very important hormone that you must understand if you want to lose weight and get in shape.

Don’t become one of the millions of victims who fall for this latest fad.

The answers to frequently asked questions in this article will arm you with science-based facts, while helping you steer clear of hype-based scams.

What is cortisol?

It is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands.

It has the ability to increase blood glucose levels.

Why does your body produce it?

It is a stress hormone. Your body produces in response to stress, physical, mental or emotional.

This can include a low-calorie diet, extreme training, lack of sleep, and just about anything that causes stress on the body.

They include trauma, traffic jams and fights with your spouse.

(Note: Much of the research done on this hormone and stress has been done in recovering patients, and such findings may not translate to healthy athletic populations.)

What does?

Increases energy and physical readiness to handle the stressful situation or threat by increasing the flow of glucose (as well as protein and fat).

How do you know if your levels are high?

To find out, you’d need to see your doctor and have your levels tested.

It is done by testing your blood, but it can also be done using 24-hour saliva and urine tests.

What is a normal level?

Normal levels in the bloodstream are 6 to 23 mcg/dl, but it depends on the time of day the test is done.

It is also different for adults than it is for children.

Should you get your levels tested?

As long as you know the factors that cause excess amounts and take steps to keep it in the normal, healthy range, then testing probably isn’t necessary.

Is it related to abdominal obesity?

Yes. There is a relationship between high levels and body fat.

“visceral” abdominal body fat that is stored more deeply than normal fat, making it more difficult to lose.

Visceral fat is particularly harmful because it is a risk factor for heart disease and diabetes.

Does it make you fat?

No, it’s not “the thing” that makes you fat.

High levels of the hormone are simply a contributing factor to abdominal fat storage, not the main cause.

If it is related to abdominal obesity, will taking a suppressive pill eliminate abdominal (belly) fat?

No. The studies that showed a relationship between cortisol and body fat did not test whether suppressing it removes fat that is already deposited in your body.

Does stress make you fat?

Many people who are stressed lose weight.

Those who win do so by “stress eating.” When we are stressed, we tend to crave fatty foods.

It’s bad for you?

It is an essential hormone for life as part of our natural response to stress.

To maintain good health you need the right amount. Having it in excess can be bad for your health.

Cushing’s syndrome is a high-level disease, while Addison’s is a low-level disease.

You want to maintain a healthy normal level.

Can hormone suppression improve muscle growth and strength?

High levels can increase muscle protein breakdown and inhibit protein synthesis (building muscle proteins), so a chronically elevated level is clearly counterproductive to building muscle. Bringing elevated levels back to normal can improve recovery, strength, hypertrophy, and performance.

Should you take a suppressive supplement to help you lose weight?

The FTC has filed lawsuits against the makers of Cortislim and Cortistress, accusing them of making false and unsubstantiated claims that their products can cause weight loss.

Pills don’t make you lose fat. Body fat is lost by creating a caloric deficit through exercise and nutrition.

Should you take a suppressive supplement to help control your stress levels?

There are many herbs you can take that claim to relax you and reduce stress.

However, there are very few studies that have directly tested the effects of these herbs on cortisol levels.

The ideal solution is to reduce stress or change your perception of stress to lessen its physical effects.

What should you do if you have a lot of stress in your life?

Try to take steps to reduce stress in your life, things like walking and finding time to do what you love can help a lot.

One of the best ways to keep hormone levels in the normal range is to reduce stress and allow time for recovery and renewal. There are effective, natural ways to reduce stress that don’t cost a penny, such as getting out in nature, deep breathing, improving sleep quality, relaxation exercises, meditation, and visualization-guided imagery. It is important to develop a calm mind and a sense of calm.

What’s in those suppressant pills anyway?

Ingredients often used in various product formulations include Epidemium, Phytosterols, Tyrosine, Branch Chain Amino Acids, Ginseng, Ashwaganda, Astragalus, Kava Kava, St. John’s Wort, Melatonin, SAM-e, Valerian, Gingko Biloba, phosphatidyl serine (PS), Acetyl L-carnitine and Glutamine. Reviewing all of this is beyond the scope of this article.

If you decide to take a suppressive supplement, what should you look for?

The first carbohydrates consumed with lean protein immediately after training have a suppressive effect, but if you want to take a pill, look for ingredients such as vitamin C, phosphatidylserine, acetyl-L carnitine, glutamine is an amino acid. It is important to note that the research on some of these substances is often contradictory and inconclusive.

How can you lower your levels naturally?

* Avoid very low-calorie diets, especially for long periods of time. Low calorie diet is a great stress for the body. Low calorie diets increase the hormone while lowering testosterone.

* Use stress reduction techniques (stress, anger, anxiety and fear can increase cortisol)

* Avoid continuous stress. Stress is an important part of growing up. It’s when you remain under constant stress with no recovery periods that you start to fall apart.

* Avoid overtraining by keeping workouts intense, but short (your level rises sharply after 45-60 minutes of strength training)

* Avoid overtraining by matching your intensity, volume, and duration to your recovery ability. Decrease your training frequency and/or take a break if necessary.

* Suppress cortisol and maximize recovery after workouts with proper nutrition: Consume a carbohydrate-protein meal or drink immediately after your workout.

* Get enough quality sleep (lack of sleep, as a stressor, can increase cortisol).

* Avoid or minimize the use of stimulants; caffeine, ephedrine, synephrine, etc.

* Limit alcohol (large doses of alcohol raise the hormone).

* Stay well hydrated (at least one study has suggested that dehydration can increase cortisol).


Excessive levels are not good. But the hormone is not inherently bad; it is a vitally important hormone and part of your body’s natural response to stress. It doesn’t make you fat. Stress doesn’t make you fat. Stress can lead to increased appetite… Increased appetite can lead to overeating… Eating too much makes you fat. Make sense?

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