Women can have a sexy flat tummy and 6 pack ripped abs
Health Fitness

Women can have a sexy flat tummy and 6 pack ripped abs

Having a defined six pack is the pinnacle of external health and vigor. Having well defined abs, whether you are a man or a woman, is a strong sexy dynamism of your health. Few in this world can claim to have a perfect abdomen, and having one puts you in the special class of those who are super fit.

It’s much harder for women to get a fully defined six pack, and most women want definition but not a full six pack. For a woman to achieve a well defined six pack, she would need to drop below 13% body fat. One of the reasons it’s so much harder for women to get down to that level of body fat is because of their main sex hormone, estrogen, whose main job is to put a layer of fat all over your body. This is ultimately intended to provide nutrients to the growing fetus during pregnancy. Traditionally, the normal percentage of body fat for women is around 20%. Women also have less lean muscle mass, because the sex hormone testosterone is needed to build muscle thickness. The less body fat a woman has, the more natural free testosterone she has in her body. Both men and women have testosterone and estrogen. Women simply have a higher amount of estrogen than men, and men have a higher amount of testosterone than women.

The article explains the great benefits of high intensity, short burst workouts over long, steady cardio. Is he fastest way to lose weight Y burn female belly fat.
Not only is it fantastic for the female body, it’s also The best way to lose belly fat. for the man. You have to do interval cardio to really lose your body fat and lose those abs.

The best way to lose belly fat is to use the following three exercise technique.

1) Bodyweight circuit training to warm up the body.

2) Resistance training supersets to boost metabolism.

3) Interval training to burn abdominal fat.

Without a doubt, resistance training will permanently boost your metabolism. This is due to a process where muscle tissue breaks down and rebuilds itself stronger, firmer and more toned. And when these muscle fibers have been rebuilt, they are tighter, firmer, more toned and now require more energy to maintain.

So for women looking to lose that feminine belly fat, stop thinking that lifting weights is for men or big amateurs. A weight training program will create faster twitch muscle fibers to burn more fat, especially stubborn female belly fat.

The main principles to remember in order to reach the goal of a six pack are to follow a strict and clean diet. Diet is crucial to sculpting those abs. Yes, you will have to be more disciplined in your diet. Incorporating cardio exercises is also important to burn stored fat in your body. Then finally, the ab workout is simple and can easily fit into your routine as it shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes if done correctly.

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