
10 revealing facts about lions: the bravest big cat

1. Pride of the Lion

Lions tend to be quite sociable. They live in family groups called pride. A pride contains between 10 and 15 lions, most of which are female and cubs. Male lions, on the other hand, make up only a fifth of a pride, on average.

2. Game of Thrones

The reign of a lion as the leader of a pride is short and lasts between two and four years. Only the strongest male lion can rule a pride, but that means he needs to be constantly on the lookout to defend his position.

When the lion king grows old and weak, the younger lions challenge him for the position of leader of the pride. It is not unusual for several lions (usually brothers) to join forces to overthrow the leader of the pride. Once that happens, the new leader usually kills all the cubs sired by the former leader.

3. Gender functions

Male lions may not look like very good hunters, at first glance. In fact, they prefer to sleep, play, and groom themselves rather than work hard. The lionesses are the ones who have the function of feeding the family. Compared to male lions, lionesses are more agile and slightly faster, making them more suitable for hunting. They typically hunt down prey around 250 pounds, using smart hunting tactics.

Male lions, on the other hand, hunt primarily during the years when they are alone, in search of their own pride. They are incredibly powerful and can often take down prey that would otherwise require 4-5 lionesses.

4. Lionesses

Lionesses work together when hunting to catch the best possible prey. Once they get it, they will often allow the pack leader to feast first. During the hunt, a lioness usually stays in the pride to take care of the cubs. Each nursing lioness will allow any cub to nurse, regardless of who the mother is.

5. Duties of the Lion

Most of the day, the pack leader does nothing but sleep and eat. A male lion will spend between 16 and 20 hours a day sleeping. The rest is used to guard the territory, which is its main function. The lead lion will mark his territory by urinating, so that other lions can sense his presence. In the case of an intruder, it will roar and attempt to chase or fight you, if the need arises.

6. Lunch

Lions eat twice a week on average, but those meals are huge. An average serving of male lions makes up one-tenth of their weight, which is about 40 pounds. Such a large amount of food needs to be digested, so right after lunch the lions go to sleep, a break that can last more than a day. His favorite dishes include zebras and antelopes.

7. Mating

Lionesses often synchronize breeding, so they could take care of all their cubs at once. They can be in heat for about 4 or 5 days, during which time they mate with a lion between 2 and 4 times per hour. That means the male will often copulate more than 100 times a day.

8. Lion’s Roar

Lions roar as a way to communicate between them, but the loudest roars are heard when they are angry. An enraged lion protecting its territory can be heard roaring from a distance of 5 miles.

9. Cubs

Average litter size is 3-4 lion cubs. Newborns are vulnerable to predators like hyenas and leopards, so at least one lioness is always with them. The cubs stay with their mothers until two o’clock and are taught to hunt. When they are around 11 months old, the lionesses will start bringing them live prey to help them hunt.

10. Hybrids

Lions can mate with other members of the Pantherinae subfamily and produce offspring. Tea hybrid cross between a lion and a tigress is the liger, which is the largest of all cats. Tigon is a cross between a lioness and a male tiger, while the cross of a lioness and a male jaguar is called a lion jag.

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