10 technology solutions to improve your health in the workplace
Health Fitness

10 technology solutions to improve your health in the workplace

As technology advances, there are an increasing number of tech startups founded to improve your health. Recent studies have alerted full-time workers to the dangers of sitting around all day, eating processed foods, and not getting enough sleep. With all the health issues to keep track of, why not let technology help you? Here are 10 tech-infused healthy habits you can start today!

1) Get up more: Sitting all day is affecting our health. Silicon Valley bigwigs like Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey prefer walking meetings because, according to Nilofer Merchant’s TED talk, “sedentary lifestyles contribute 10 percent to the risk of breast and colon cancer, 6 percent of the risk of heart disease and 7 percent of the risk of type 2 diabetes. Need a helpful reminder to get up and walk more? Wearable fitness trackers like Jawbone and FitBit are popular solutions. If you’re looking for something a little more aesthetically pleasing that’s still functional, try Misfit Wearables.

2) Intake and Output Tracker: One of the simplest rules of a healthy lifestyle is to consume the correct number of calories per day. These small, easy-to-track numbers reveal a lot about how our habits are affecting our health. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just trying to maintain your current figure, apps like MyFitnessPal and LoseIt track calorie intake input and physical activity output so you have a better idea of ​​whether you’re overeating or overeating. not.

3) Philanthropy: Healthy habits don’t all have to focus on your body, some bring happiness to your life. Generosity is the key to feeling mentally healthy, but what if you could incorporate exercise into your philanthropy? Charity Miles is an app that allows you to do just that! For every mile you run, walk or bike, they donate change to charity. This money adds up over time and makes your workouts feel more meaningful. Is your boss looking to bring more philanthropy into the workplace? Suggest a fitness fundraiser using Charity Miles!

4) Snack better: Do you often reach for chips instead of nuts? Sweets over fruit? Snacking habits are the number one source of extraneous calories throughout the day. This doesn’t mean you have to snack on the same boring food every day. Having a hard time finding healthy and nutritious snacks? Try a subscription service like Naturebox for personal delivery of healthy snacks once a month. They deliver a variety of healthy foods to your door and donate a meal to Feeding America for every box you purchase. If your business is looking to offer healthy snacks in the office, blissmo snack boxes are a great option for delivering healthy snack boxes to offices, with different sizes for a variety of offices.

5) Ask a doctor: Have you ever noticed that almost all diet programs and medications recommend consulting a doctor before using them? Medical professionals have a deep understanding of health that cannot be surpassed. However, most of us don’t have time to go to the doctor’s office that often, and that’s where HealthTap comes in. Seek reputable medical advice instead of googling your question and searching for an unreliable answer. Find highly recommended doctors in your area and much more. It’s a great app to have by your side if you’re looking to answer health-related questions quickly and easily.

6) Prepare your food ahead of time: The best way to avoid unhealthy takeout and preservative-laden frozen meals is to prepare your own food. With the demands of a full-time job, prioritizing meal planning is hard, but it doesn’t have to be. There are a variety of apps that help you plan your shopping lists that are worth checking out. ShopWell will help you make the right choices at the grocery store based on your personal dietary restrictions, whether you’re looking to be heart healthy or lose weight, this app gives foods a score from 0 to 100 so you can make the best choices. Looking for nutritious food options? Fooducate rates foods on a scale from A+ to D using a scientific algorithm that rates various nutritional qualities. When armed with this app in a grocery store, you can easily compare different brands of the same product to choose the best option. Last but not least, Zipongo, which offers healthy recipes and coupons to match your shopping list.

7) Wellness Incentives – If you’re looking to encourage healthy behaviors, incent them! Individually you can use apps like Pact that create a community of pacts to live healthier. Whether it’s a gym pact, a veg pact, or a food log pact, you earn money for hitting your goals and lose money for missing them. It will definitely encourage healthy behaviors and discourage unhealthy ones. If your company is looking for a wellness coordinator who encourages healthy behaviors, use Keas. Through competition, community, and incentives, this wellness program incorporates technology and promises to lower health care costs.

8) Reduce stress and get organized: Stress can wreak havoc on your health and is hard to avoid in a fast-paced workplace. Making time for meditation is one way to avoid it. Want to add a fun, tech factor to your relaxation? The Equanimity Project’s online meditation timer, also available in the app store, allows you to schedule and record your meditations to ensure you prioritize relaxation throughout the day. Another way to reduce stress is to get organized. Try using apps like Evernote to make lists and create reminders so you never stress about forgetting something.

9) Encouragement of a community: If you’ve ever been involved in team sports, you know how encouraging and enjoyable it can be to have a tight-knit community working toward the same goal. Spire tries to mimic that sport-style spur with its apps. With options for both individuals and businesses, these apps provide support and recognition for a variety of tasks. Whether you’re looking for encouragement on your current work project, fitness goals, or side project, you can post 160-character status updates to mark accomplishments. Points can be redeemed for special offers or converted into donations to non-profit organizations. If recognition is what you need to be healthy, this is a great option for you!

10) Sleep better: sleep is one of the pillars of health that people pay less attention to. It’s more than just getting the right amount of sleep each night, but making sure your sleep is deep and effective. Sleep trackers can help make sure you don’t ruin your entire day’s productivity due to ineffective sleep. If you have a wearable fitness tracker like Fitbit, it has a sleep tracking feature. However, if you prefer a sleep tracker that stays on your mattress rather than on your wrist, give Beddit a try.

Ready to build a healthier and happier lifestyle? Don’t let the health disadvantages associated with working full-time put you off. With a variety of technology at your side, you can create a personalized plan to improve your health and increase your happiness in the IT workplace.

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