
3 effective ways to help improve your child’s study habits

To do well in school, children must develop good study and home habits. The way you act at home reflects how you are doing at school – if you sit all day watching TV on the weekends, you are likely to display the same lazy attitude towards your school work.

As parents, it is our job to push our children to the best of their abilities. Making a few simple changes to your lifestyle will improve your performance in school. Here are 3 effective ways to help improve your child’s study habits:

Keep him busy

It’s true that we all have lazy days, just wanting to be in bed all day or on the couch with snacks, watching TV shows. While this is acceptable from time to time, it is not ideal for it to be the norm for children.

According to the Mayo Clinic, children who watch television for more than 2 hours a day are more likely to have health problems, behavioral difficulties, and poor performance in school.

So don’t be addicted to television! Keep you and your little one busy playing in the park, playing educational games, and more.

Encourage him to participate in physical activities

Most young children love to be active, that’s because they have a lot of energy! Put that energy to good use by letting him explore and try different physical activities. Not all kids like sports, but you can at least cheer them on (make sure you’re active, too!). Keep trying different things and you will surely find something you like.

If your child finds a sport that he loves, he will learn more about goal setting and concentration, which will translate into his studies. So get out there and expose your child to a variety of sports and physical activities, let him have the freedom to choose what he wants to try!

Instill a good reading habit

Strong reading skills start at home. From reading to your toddler every night, to choosing his own books to read for fun, a good reading habit is an essential component of a child’s success in school. Encourage reading to be part of bedtime and playtime routines; be sure to let her choose which books she would like to read.

The above tips, in addition to the daily time allotted for study and homework, can help boost your child’s interest and performance in school. Try these effective ways to improve your child’s study habits!

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