3 Reasons Why List Building Is Important For Online Marketers

3 Reasons Why List Building Is Important For Online Marketers

If you’ve been online for a while, you’ve no doubt heard marketing gurus proclaim that ‘the money is in the list’. And there is no doubt that this is information that is absolutely true, but building a list is easier said than done. Some people don’t want to get into trouble, while others don’t really know where to start, and still some think it’s not that important; which is a dying art. This article will not focus on list building techniques, but on why you should consider email marketing as a profitable and viable source of income.

1. Email address

Everyone online has an email address, and it’s one of the reasons people go online so they can access their emails. It’s also the gatekeeper to access everything else online, including social media from Facebook to Twitter. Without an email address, you won’t get far. The best part about capturing email addresses is that your message will stay in your inbox even when that person is away. Sooner or later, that person will check their inbox and, hopefully, your message.


Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are great places for people to mingle and communicate with each other. You can find out what people are talking about, what’s hot, and catch up with friends and family on a regular basis. It’s fun and interactive. But if we really want to know what’s going on, then we turn to email. With email, you get the good with the bad (spam), but the good always outweighs the bad. People look for the good news from friends, the latest gossip, etc. Good news, prizes, a free eBook or some kind of special offer. If you have built a relationship with that person, then you have a better chance of making a sale or a future sale somewhere along the way.

3. Who does the list belong to?

There are many ways to communicate with your audience, including Facebook, Twitter, and even Squidoo and Hub Pages to name a few. It is true that these sites are great ways to communicate with your followers, but with all the great systems, everything is foolproof. Any of these sites can remove your pages for whatever reason, and where would that leave you then? It may not happen, but what if it does?

There is no way you can contact your followers or subscribers. This is why it is so important to have an email list. It is something that cannot be taken away from you. It is an asset for life and for your business, especially if you decide to sell your business at some point.

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