Health Fitness

3 ways H Pylori can cause weight gain

Helicobacter Pylori, or H Pylori for short, is a spiral-shaped bacteria that lives in the stomach and small intestine.

Research has clearly shown that due to its shape, H Pylori can “pierce” the lining of our stomach and duodenum (small intestine).

Think of the intestinal lining as a kind of inner “skin.” When H Pylori curls into that lining, it causes irritation, swelling, and inflammation. It’s a bit like having little thorns stuck in your skin. The irritation and inflammation lead to two relatively common conditions: gastritis and duodenitis.

It is inflammation and damage to the stomach lining that can set off chain reactions that lead to weight gain. Here are 3 ways this happens:

H Pylori and Weight Gain Explanation # 1.

Whenever there is inflammation in the body, the adrenal glands produce “fire-fighting” hormones. The main hormone is cortisol. We often see high cortisol levels in people who have H. pylori because inflammation is causing excess cortisol to be released.

When cortisol is high, it can actually lead to the storage of body fat around the abdomen and in “spare tires” around the waist.

Over time, if the H Pylori inflammation doesn’t resolve, the adrenal glands can weaken. At this point, they may not be able to make enough cortisol. In turn, this can lead to an inability to burn body fat.

Additionally, tired adrenal glands cause imbalances in other key hormonal systems that regulate the burning of body fat. Lower levels of testosterone in men, for example, are seen with adrenal fatigue and lower levels of progesterone in women.

H Pylori and weight gain explanation # 2.

H Pylori is known to actually cause a reduction in the amount of stomach acid that is produced. This is because it damages cells called parietal cells, which make the acid.

If there is not enough acid, the food may not break down or be absorbed. This causes an ineffective metabolism, which can lead to weight gain.

I know of several cases where people took supplements of digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid and lost weight very quickly. The weight came back up as soon as they stopped taking the supplements and then disappeared when they resumed.

H Pylori and weight gain explanation # 3.

Science is beginning to suggest that H. Pylori infection may play a role in thyroid problems. It is believed that the antibodies produced against H Pylori can also attack the surface of the thyroid gland, causing its function to slow down.

It is well known that the thyroid gland is essential to keep metabolism optimized. Low thyroid has long been associated with weight gain and the ability to lose weight.

The problems associated with H Pylori appear to be increasing annually as more and more research is conducted on this unwanted intruder.

If you have weight control issues, it might be a good idea to see how to get tested for H Pylori (along with other digestive infections), as it can be a missing link in the puzzle.

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