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5 ways to deal with an asexual marriage

What is an asexual marriage? It is a marriage with little or no sexual activity. Experts describe that couples who have sex 10 times or less in a year are considered to be living in a sexless marriage. Although it is best for couples to maintain a healthy and active sex life, it is not uncommon for couples to live in marriage without having sex. Can couples cope with an asexual marriage?

There are many reasons why a marriage becomes sexless. It can be caused by medical problems, couples became too busy with their careers and jobs, having children, exhaustion, lack of sexual desire or desire, etc. If you decided to stay in an asexual marriage, no matter what the cause of the lack of sex in your marriage is, coping with an asexual relationship takes some work.

Choosing to remain in an asexual marriage is a personal decision, but your marriage is worth saving. Can this type of marriage work? It doesn’t work in all marriages, but for others, yes, an asexual marriage works. There are couples who are in a sexless marriage for years and yet live a happy and meaningful married life because they have learned to deal with a sexless marriage.

Here are some helpful ways to cope with an asexual marriage.

Don’t blame yourself or your spouse. The lack of sex in your marriage does not mean that you are no longer desirable or attractive. There are many reasons behind an asexual marriage and it is a problem that both you and your spouse are involved, so it is not entirely your fault. Also, do not blame your spouse because blaming is not the solution to this problem, but it will only aggravate the situation. You and your partner are in this together, so it is best to face this problem together to find the best solution. It’s less challenging to deal with an asexual marriage if you stop blaming each other.

Have an agreement or commitment. It is important for both spouses to talk about the lack of sex in their marriage. It is best if you both agree and decide to live a meaningful and happy married life despite the lack of sex in your relationship. It is not easy as both of you can encounter trials and challenges when trying to deal with a sexless marriage, but the important thing is that you communicate about it and are able to find a middle ground, compromise and come to terms. Both of you have to work harder together than other couples in order to cope with an asexual marriage.

Explore other ways to stay connected emotionally and physically. Understand that emotional intimacy in a marriage cannot be achieved through sexual relationships alone. While it may be true that sex is one of the best ways for couples to connect emotionally, a lack of sex doesn’t mean your marriage is doomed. There are other ways that spouses can stay emotionally connected. Lack of sex is not uncommon in a marriage and there are celibate couples who lead happy and meaningful married lives. Stay emotionally and physically connected to each other. Emotional intimacy isn’t just about sexual intimacy, it’s more about matters of the heart. The emotional connection between you doesn’t always involve your genitals. Explore other ways to stay connected to each other. Emotional connection can be made by making time for each other, communicating regularly, listening to each other, opening up, doing things together, playing games together, creating new hobbies or memories together, taking a vacation or retreat as a couple. Explore other ways to stay physically intimate with each other. Hugging more, kissing regularly, or massaging your spouse are some ways to stay physically connected to each other.

Work on the issues behind your sexless marriage. There is not much you can do if the reason behind your sexless marriage is a medical problem, except accept reality and do your best to deal with a sexless marriage. If the reason for the lack of sex in your marriage is another, it is better to work through the problems together. If it is not a medical problem, what is causing your lack of sexual desire? Is the lack of physical intimacy the result of unresolved marital problems? Are your careers or individual problems pushing you away? Sometimes the lack of sex is not the problem, but it is the result of other problems in your marriage. While both of you may find it okay to not have frequent sex with each other, it is best to work through the underlying issues to make sure your marriage is okay and that there are no unresolved issues. If you need help solving the problems that are causing your sexless marriage, don’t hesitate to seek help. It is better to exhaust all possible solutions to save your marriage.

Focus on the wonderful things in your marriage and not what it is lacking. It can be more challenging and frustrating to deal with a sexless marriage if you keep thinking about what is missing in your marriage, so stop being negative and start focusing on the positive side of your marriage. Sex can be an important part of a marriage, but there are other things in your marriage that you should be grateful for, and those things can serve as reasons why you should continue to love and respect your spouse. Is the lack of sex in your marriage reason enough to leave your marriage? I hope not, because true love must be beyond sex.

Dealing with the problems in your marriage is not easy, but it is always worth saving. Visit Save a troubled relationship.

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