6 steps to create a vision for your business

6 steps to create a vision for your business

Blowing up your average life..

I want you to look at that header and really think about what it means and subsequently what it means for your online income. That’s what you’re here for, right? Making a living on the internet, creating an amazing business that allows you to take control of your life and make it your own design.

You can’t do anything great unless you plan to do it that way, there’s a saying that goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” I’ll be honest, I have no idea who said that, but the meaning behind it resonates so deeply with me, that every day I wake up I know what I’m doing and what I’m working on. But too often I’m talking to people and they don’t know what they’re going to do that day, they might say “oh I’m just working” or “it’s my day off”. These are the same people who don’t know what they want out of life and end up flying with each passing day. Even business owners who have the motivation and drive to do something with their business don’t always have a clear vision of how they are going to grow their business and where it will be in 3, 5, or even 10 years.

I want you to think about it this way, if you plan to go on vacation, you have to plan it in detail if you want it to be a great vacation. The location, the activities, is it hot or cold there, is the accommodation fancy or cheap, is there a mini bar or not because you know you’re going to want a drink when you get to your room. The point is, if you don’t think about what you want out of a vacation, you’re probably going to have garbage. What I want to show you here is exactly how you can create an epic vision of your future business and use it to plan your success 3-5 years from now.

creating your vision

Whether you’re building your income generating business online, or even a combination of both online and offline, you need to start with a vision. The vision should be that you have already reached your final destination. When a plane leaves for another country, the pilot already knows where he is going and has an ETA already calculated. They know where they are going, why and approximately how long it will take them, the same goes for their vision.

To enable you to create a great vision for your business, these are the steps that I and many other entrepreneurs are taking to create great businesses with a purpose.

Step 1 – Create your image

We think in pictures, so sometimes the best way to see the future you want is to draw it. Now this doesn’t have to be Picasso’s degree work, it just has to work for you, allowing you to put into drawing what you want your business to look like for years to come. This will be the starting point for writing your vision, so think about the different components that would make up an ideal business for you. I remember drawing a laptop and a hammock on a private beach to start with, I love to travel and if I can run my business that way, which many other people do, then I will. The same goes for you, what do you really want from your business and how do you want it to be?

Step 2 – Collect some photographs

Creating an income online or any other business is extremely groundbreaking at times and drags you down if you rely on willpower alone. Sometimes you need to remind yourself why you’re doing it, reminding yourself what you’re striving for in the first place, and collecting photos is a great way to do that. Collect photos that reflect what you want from your business, if that means you want a flashy car and a mansion as a result of the online income you generate, then you need to find some photos of these things. Don’t underestimate the power of this step, seeing visual reminders of what you’re working on is great motivation to keep going, even when the going gets tough.

Step 3 – Describe your perfect day

Now we’re really getting into the details in this step. Now you need to describe your ideal day and how you want it to be. What would you consider a day going well for you? One that you come home from and just can’t stop talking to your other half about, a day that has been fashioned from a lot of hard work and grafting. Write it all down in detail so that you can come back to it daily.

Step 4 – Imagine what life will be like

Now you need to imagine exactly what your life will be like once you have created your ideal business. When you think of something that has already been done, your subconscious will do everything it can to make it a reality, since it doesn’t know the difference between fake and reality. Once your subconscious starts working to make it happen, you have the most powerful tool on your side. Be as specific as you can, remember that you need to make it as real, because when it comes down to it, the time between achieving your vision and now simply becomes the buffer time of life.

Step 5: Be clear about the value you offer

You must now decide exactly what value you are providing to your audience. Not just the features themselves, you need to explain the benefits of your business and what it can do for your customers. When you wake up knowing what you and your business are all about, you can create an online income unmatched by any other source of income, because you have a business fueling the fire of your passion and an unlimited platform to promote it. Learn about its features and benefits like the back of your hand.

Step 6 – Write your vision

Now is the time to write your business vision. Don’t worry if it’s not perfect, you can tweak and add to it in time, it just needs to be believable, like it already happened. Start writing now!

Over time you’ll be able to emotionally charge him in a number of different ways, using language that will really make your hair stand on end. If you have a solid vision written down now, that gives you a reason to get out of bed every day to make it happen, if you read it every day and make it a part of you, you are well on your way to achieving what you want. online income, business and lifestyle.

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