7 Awesome Tips On How To Keep Yeast Infections Away!  An absolute must know for all women!

7 Awesome Tips On How To Keep Yeast Infections Away! An absolute must know for all women!

Yeast infections can occur again and again if proper precautions are not taken. Almost every woman experiences a yeast infection once in her life. Candida a type of bacteria is responsible for the outbreak of yeast infection. Burning and itching down there is the biggest sign that you have a yeast infection. If you’ve been an easy prey to yeast infection, see how you can keep them away.

Include yogurt in your diet, if you are vulnerable to frequent yeast infections. Buttermilk and curds contain good bacteria that can kill and prevent yeast infection. So treat yourself to different types of yogurt dishes.

Baggy panties are breathable and can let air in. Air circulation near the vagina is important, as it does not create a breeding ground for Candida.

Stay away from scented soap when washing your vagina. Scented soaps will only alter the ph level, promoting yeast infection. Plain water and natural soaps are best for washing the vagina.

Blueberries are good to taste. It also has many properties that can kill yeast and keep it at bay. A glass of cranberry juice is not only refreshing but also helpful in treating the problem.

People who take high doses of antibiotics should avoid them or reduce their use. Antibiotics can alter your immune system causing the infection. A weak immune system is also one of the reasons for a yeast infection outbreak.

Foods that are high in sugar can also lead to your problem. Diabetics are often prone to yeast infections. The best way to keep Candida at bay is to reduce your intake of simple sugars.

Always pat your vagina dry before wearing panties. Keeping the area moist makes it easier for bacteria to grow, making the problem worse.

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