7 quick and easy ways to improve your marketing

7 quick and easy ways to improve your marketing

If you’re in charge of inbound marketing for your business, you know the definition of “overwhelming.” In order to continually engage potential leads, he strives to update landing pages, send email marketing messages, write ebooks, “SEO” his existing content, and more. With all these responsibilities on your plate, it is imperative that you be efficient in your work. Here are 7 quick and easy ways to improve your marketing strategy in little to no time.

Link to internal content/offers – When you’re busy creating new content, don’t forget that internal linking is not only a great SEO strategy, it’s also a way to tap into an interested lead. If your potential customer is reading an article that they find intriguing, and you have other content that is relevant or you have an offer that is relevant, link to it! For example, if you have a blog post on “Facebook SEO Strategies” and have written an eBook on the same topic, highlight the words “Facebook SEO” in your blog post and link to your eBook. Just make sure you’re not misleading your reader with a link to something that isn’t relevant at all. It sets up an appearance of “spam” and can create a feeling of mistrust.

get interactive – Being social is only part of the business, and any good incoming marketer will have several social platforms to keep up with, be it Facebook, a blog, Twitter, a forum, etc. Please take a minute out of your day to respond to comments that are left on these platforms. The goal of having a social platform is to promote a feeling of interactivity between customers/fans and the company.

call to action – It is surprising how often a call to action is left out of the content. You literally have to have every piece of content you post on one. Review your existing content and make sure you have some kind of call to action. If it doesn’t, add one. It can be something as simple as “sign up for our newsletter to receive special discounts” or “click here for your free e-book”.

Reframe your content – This is especially true for blogs or page titles. Any good SEO company will tell you that your meta titles are not only extremely important for indexing, but they are also important for traffic. You can’t get leads without traffic, and you can’t get traffic if your blog posts or page titles are boring. Take a minute to review a couple of pages/blog posts to make sure the titles are catchy.

Share – You have all this great information to give people, so share it! If you’re a marketer and you’re not sharing your content through social media and other media (ie press releases), well…it’s time for a new job.

button up – Make sure your call to action buttons are not boring. Do they need a little more life? Studies have shown that fewer people click buttons titled “Submit” than any other button. If you have “Submit” buttons, change them to something more relevant or exciting. Make sure it’s something that seems elusive; otherwise, people will be less likely to click on it. For example, “Submit” looks official, while “Get your discounts now” doesn’t.

get bold– Check your landing pages or sales pages (including your website’s home page) to see if it passes the blink test. What is the blink test? A potential customer should be able to see your website and within the time it takes to blink; they should be able to get the gist of what your site offers and whether it’s relevant to them. Go over and bold or italicize words/phrases that can quickly summarize the offering and value of your business.

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