8 tips to keep your bedroom free of allergens

8 tips to keep your bedroom free of allergens

Like most homeowners, if you use chemical cleaning products to clean your home, you may have allergy issues. Bedroom allergies also have some non-chemical causes, which are easy to eliminate. In this article we are going to talk about some tips that can help you rid your bedroom of allergens so you can sleep better. Keep reading to know more.

1. Get rid of unwanted objects

First of all, you need to remove unwanted objects from your room, especially those that collect dust. Some common items include curtains, stuffed animals, excess clothing, books, and napkins.

These objects have large surfaces that collect a lot of dust. To control dust, blinds work much better than curtains as they are easier to clean. Apart from this, you should opt for furniture that is easy to clean.

2. Dust more often

Once you’ve gotten the unwanted items out of your bedroom, your next step is to dust more often and install a good HEPA air purifier in your bedroom. Also, you can use a good vacuum cleaner. Another good alternative to this system is a whole house vacuum system.

A true HEPA vacuum is much more effective when it comes to removing dust. Aside from this, you should get into the habit of vacuuming the motor vents and blades of all your ceiling fans.

3. Choose hardwood flooring

Carpets collect a lot of dust, so they require regular vacuuming. If you don’t have enough time to vacuum your rugs regularly, we suggest you opt for hardwood floors as they are easier to clean.

4. Try a whole house HEPA filter

In addition to using a HEPPA filtered vacuum, you should consider installing a whole house HEPA filter for the furnace return air duct. The idea is to filter all the dust from your rooms.

5. Install a HEPA room air filter

The good thing about this system is that it is quiet and does not produce too much noise. Plus, it’s powerful enough to filter the air in your bedroom. It will work well in terms of keeping the indoor air clean.

6. Keep pets out of your bedroom

If you are allergic to the fur of dogs and cats, we suggest that you do not allow your pets to enter your bedroom. Their fur often becomes electrostatically charged in winter. Therefore, they can spread allergens and pet dander into your bedroom.

7. Use non-toxic products

It is better that you opt for non-toxic anti-mite products. In other words, they must be green cleaning products or you will be back to square one when it comes to cleaning your bedroom.

8. Control humidity levels

Ideally, the relative humidity level in your bedroom should be below 50%. You can reach this level with the help of a good dehumidifier.

In a nutshell, if you follow these 8 tips, you can create an allergen-free bedroom for a good night’s sleep. We hope you find these tips useful.

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