A foolproof horse racing system for beginners luck and race betting
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A foolproof horse racing system for beginners luck and race betting

Anyone who plays or bets on horse racing eventually learns about beginner’s luck. Beginner’s Luck (BL) is the phenomenon of beating the odds every time you bet on a new game or hit the horse track for the first time. It’s usually balanced against that other natural law of the game known as “what goes around comes around.” That is usually experienced the second time you go to the track and bet extravagantly because it seemed so easy to win the first time. The result is that you usually lose all your winnings from the first trip with a little more, just to keep the pot full for the next starter, and so on.

So how can someone use BL to consistently beat the odds? It seems that it is impossible to remain a beginner on the race track, or anything else in life. But a friend of mine actually found a way to beat the system, at least for a while, and developed what he called the Beginner’s Luck Horse Racing System.

The key to my friend’s method was that he had to have someone who had never been to the races with him every time he used the system. He wasn’t much of a planner and he didn’t like the brain strain of handicap racing. Being a free spirit, he was more inclined to decide to hit the race track at the last minute. The problem with this method, of course, is where do you find someone who is willing to drop everything and come with you at any time?

His remedy for the situation was to drive to the part of town where ladies could be found on street corners. These ladies were in the entertainment business, so to speak, and would be willing to tag along, if the price was right and paid for in advance. While the first question he asked them was a bit out of the ordinary, he was able to find willing participants who had never been to a race track before.

He would take the lady to the track and show her a very good time and of course bet on whatever she chose and often she would have a very good day. Aside from running out of a supply of “cheerleader” ladies who had never been to the race track, there seemed to be no flaw in his plan until he proposed a trip to the track to the wrong lady. While she appeared to be a cheerleader, she was actually a police officer in disguise. He was arrested for propositioning, although the charges were later dropped when it was determined that asking someone if they would like to go to the race track is not a crime, even if you offer to pay them to come with you.

While it may seem like the Starter Luck System had finally failed, it was revealed that this was actually the police officer’s first day of undercover work. In other words, her first arrest was just, you guessed it, BL.

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