A perfect guide to buying the best pair of sneakers
Health Fitness

A perfect guide to buying the best pair of sneakers

Searching for the right type of shoe for a specific sport can be daunting. Today, the market is flooded with many options to choose from, but sadly, many of us don’t know much about shopping for the right type of shorts.

While every activity calls for a specific type of shoe, beyond looks and designs, there are some basic rules that stay the same and must be followed to achieve the perfect fit.

Here is a list of such rules that apply to both women’s and men’s sports shoes and can make choosing the right one for you easier:

Know your profile

What sport do you need the shoe for?

Even if you’re looking for a pair for walking or running, it’s important to know that even these two activities are different and demand specific shoes.

Be specific with your needs, such as the sport, the floor used for it, body type, etc., when you start looking for men’s or women’s athletic shoes online or in a physical store.

identify your style

Know how it moves. Determine how you first make contact with the ground, especially if you’re looking for an athletic shoe for walking or running.

Is it the outside of the heel or the inside of the forefoot?

Your shoe must have adequate cushioning to support your movements with each step and avoid injuries.

know your bow

Do you roll to the inside of the foot, or to the outside of the foot, or do you stay neutral when you run?

The shape of your arch will help you understand the type of stability your shoe should provide. An easy way to find out the arch of your foot is to perform the “wet test.”

360 degree test

The fit of the shoe is more than whether the upper part is wide and long enough. The shoe must not squeeze the foot and, most importantly, all the bones must be supported by the sole of the shoe.

There should also be enough room in the toe box when you stand up.

buy as late as possible

Feet swell during the day and are larger at night. Buying them at night will help you get the most comfortable fit.

If you’ve purchased a pair online, try them on at night before making your final decision.

measure yourself every time

The size and shape of our feet change over time as we age. Therefore, measuring them each time is essential for a comfortable fit.

Last but not least, wear the right sock.

More than fashion, a couple of sports shoes They need your attention to such minute details. Once you have narrowed down the type of footwear you need, you can choose from the various options available in terms of colors and designs.

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