A successful fitness program starts with an open mind and full self-motivation!

A successful fitness program starts with an open mind and full self-motivation!

As a professional trainer, I constantly surprise people when I say that certain personality traits have more to do with the success of a fitness program than with weight lifting and nutrition. You see, the fact is that weight lifting, nutrition, and behavior change only go so far. If the person is not open to trying new things and is not full of self-motivation, the success of the program is limited.

I am always honest and direct with new potential clients and trainees when they approach me for my services. They’ve heard about how tough kettlebell training is and tell themselves they want to do it right away, however when they really start doing it they realize true fitness comes at a price! If you do not have the mental strength to allow the process of shaping your body to take place, you will never succeed. There is no quick fix, miracle pill or fad diet to get you out of your fitness woes. Your body must go through physical hell in order to come out stronger on the other side. True fitness and strength training programs are only successful because of the participant’s dedication, commitment, persistence, and open-mindedness. Personality trait is everything. The fact is that I have had to tell people that they cannot be trained. That’s right, most people just don’t have what it takes to be truly fit.

I don’t want to sound arrogant by saying that, but the numbers don’t lie. The fact is that most gym memberships are only used by around 15-17% of the people who signed up for those memberships. Of those 15-17% who actually try to get started with a strength and conditioning program, only about half of that percentage actually know what they’re doing. Despite the billions of dollars coming into the gym industry here in the US, this country is still the fattest country in the world. People are not just physically soft, they are mentally soft. The latter is the real culprit. Diet and training plans must be attacked head on. It’s about lifestyle.

So before you decide to start your successful journey, make sure you “convince yourself” that it’s going to be a success before you start. When you do, never make a half-hearted effort. Give full effort. Remember anyone can temporarily train hard, but only the best train hard and smart indefinitely!

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