
Adopting a new cat? Things to consider

When considering adopting a new cat, there are many important factors to consider. Many are related to physical health, such as nutrition, water, and vaccinations. But there are other, perhaps lesser known, factors that you should consider and possibly plan before bringing your new pet home. It will be easier for the animal to assimilate if its physical environment is fully prepared before being introduced.

Cats are often considered sleepy and lazy animals. And some can be (as can some dogs). But most animals also seek physical and mental stimulation. It is a very important part of your overall well-being and has ties to your natural wild instincts.

Investigate items like cat trees, cat towers, and wavy tunnels. Each of these elements can give your new kitty hours of fun and excitement. Trees and towers provide platforms to perch on (best for hunting you, my dear) and even enclosures for when they’re feeling shy or waiting for prey to pass. Upright poles are often made from sisal and give cats a fragrant place to scratch (another necessary habit). Sometimes there are mice or other dangling treats, and they are perfect for batting.

The “where do cats do business” business can be a bit unsettling. But you may find that cat litter furniture is a great way to keep things out of sight and out of mind.

Some of my favorite items are from Ace Cat Furniture. On their website you will find cat litter furniture in various styles and colors. These pieces look a lot like end tables, so they fit perfectly in your living room. But the front door is open, giving your kitty quick and easy access to her litter tray.

There you go! Entertainment and necessities to help your new cat feel at home.

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