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Akashic Records: Scientific Fact or Imagination?

Akashic Records, to put it very simply, is a cosmic library without borders. Although it is incomparable to any earthly library, one can compare it to an earthly library for the purpose of understanding.

Just as any terrestrial library contains information and knowledge, this cosmic library also contains knowledge and information. Every thought that passed through the minds of man and woman, every word uttered by the tongue and every action performed, in addition to the records of lives, valuable lessons learned from the soul, plans for future lives on earth, etc., are recorded and stored in the Akashic Records.

Some people refer to these cosmic records as the collective mind or the collective consciousness or the collective unconscious. People with special psychic abilities can take a look at these massive heavenly records and gain an understanding of what ails a soul on earth. The Akashic Record readings are believed to be extremely comforting and instructive. For example, reading your Akashic record can reveal things about your nature and way of life, the knowledge of which can completely transform your life.

Knowledge of the Akashic Records is not new. The Vedic people knew them. In fact, the word Akashic has its roots in the Sanskrit “Akasha”, which means “heaven”. The Moors, the Tibetans, the Egyptians, the Persians, the Greeks, the Chinese, the Hebrews, the Christians, the Mayans, and the Druids knew them. The sages of ancient India used to speak of each jivatma or soul that recorded its moments on earth in a cosmic “book”, which could be evaluated by people with special physical abilities.

Some prominent people who claimed they could access these records were Nostradamus, Charles Webster Leadbeater, Alice Bailey, William Lilly, Lilian Treemont, George Hunt Williamson, Max Heindel, Annie Besant, Samuel Aun Weor, Manly P. Hall, Dion Fortune, Rudolf . Steiner and Edgar Cayce.

Anyone can access the Akashic Records because this spiritual library is open to all. Since they are a record of all life experiences and thoughts, they contain solutions to any problem on earth. However, to gain access, a person has to make a lot of effort. You have to practice Yoga, Pranayama, meditation, prayer, visualization and many more. Silencing the mind and relaxing the body is of great importance. One has to become an objective witness, achieve great focus, and fully relax in order to peer into the collective consciousness.

Needless to say, the scientific community dismisses the idea of ​​any cosmic library with an impatient wave of its hand. There is no evidence, say the rationalists. However, if you are interested in how a leading modern scientist explained the existence of these records, you can refer to Ervin Laszlo’s book, “Science and the Akashic Field: A Comprehensive Theory of Everything.”

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