an interview with "my date with drew" Star Brian Herzlinger

an interview with "my date with drew" Star Brian Herzlinger

Most dating movies are fictional stories about two people perfectly suited for each other, but huge obstacles stand in their way. In the documentary, “My Date With Drew,” you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who thinks rookie filmmaker Brian Herzlinger and superstar Drew Barrymore are perfect for each other. However, the obstacles to them meeting, let alone dating or falling in love, are certainly enormous.

“It’s been a lifelong dream to meet Drew Barrymore,” Herzlinger said during a phone interview when asked about the documentary in which he stars, co-directs, co-produces and co-edits. “Making this film is a side effect of fulfilling my dream of meeting the person who was photographed on my bedroom wall growing up. Everyone has a similar dream.”

When he won $1,100 on a game show with the answer “Drew Barrymore,” he decided fate was telling him to use the money to make his dream come true.

“After having been in love with her all my life and that dream of meeting her, I decided that instead of using the money for the rent, I would try to meet her, to go on a date with her,” he said. “And even if I didn’t get the date, I would still document her trip on tape.”

Relying on an electronics store’s lenient 30-day return policy (which has since been changed), he and producing partners Brett Winn, Jon Gunn and Kerry David (aka The Drew Crew) hatched a plan to spend exactly 30 days and $1,100 documenting your search for a date with the popular movie star. They also launched a website to generate interest among other Barrymore fans.

The film details his trials and tribulations in gaining access to the people around Drew Barrymore. Herzlinger enthusiastically reveals his social ineptitude, physical flaws, and basic insecurities for all to see. The camera work is straightforward and simple – just a few notches better than home movie. This is a character study, not a flashy movie.

“We had no idea from one day to the next what was going to happen,” Herzlinger said. “We were going to use six degrees of separation to try to get the date. Other than that, we also planned to go to the ‘Charlie’s Angels Full Throttle’ world premiere in Los Angeles during those 30 days.”

During filming, the production team asked everyone they knew for favors. And everyone who knew everyone who knew. The goal was to find someone who could put Herzlinger in a direct line with Drew so he could ask her a simple question: “Will you go out on a date with me?”

Shot in Los Angeles, New Jersey, and New York, the film was finished in three months, screened at four film festivals to rave crowds, but took 18 months to hit theaters. Produced by Rusty Bear Entertainment and Lucky Crow Films in association with DEJ Productions, the documentary actually feels more like a romantic comedy.

Just look at what Herzlinger went through to put this movie together. Take advantage of a store’s return policy on expensive equipment. Making phone calls to everyone the crew knows and following dozens of dead-end leads. Designing and using fake press credentials that could have them expelled or arrested at the premiere of “Charlie’s Angels.” Get a facial and remove body hair. Begging his parents for money to keep him for a while. Working with a trainer to mold her body into shape should the actual date occur. Renting a Drew Barrymore lookalike for a practice date. Spend every hour of the day for three months of your life chasing a superstar.

So, was all that effort worth it? Got the date? Herzlinger is reluctant to give anything away, but he admits that he’s glad he did. “This ride was the wildest roller coaster of my life. It had the highest ups and downs and the lowest lows.”

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