
Are you serious about your work-from-home business?

Are you treating your business like a Fortune 500 company or a yard sale? Take this quiz to find out.

How would you describe your office?

a.) Corporate or b.) Chaos

What word describes your personal appearance while you work?

a.) Success or b.) Disorder

And how would you describe your attitude towards your business?

a.) Winner or b.) Winging-it

If you chose only the ‘a’ answers, congratulations! You’re thinking like a Fortune 500 company!

If you even picked a ‘b’ answer, read on …

We often think, “What does it matter how my desk looks? And who cares how I look in front of my computer at home? No one can see me.”

Well, it matters. It matters, because you matter and because your business matters. And if you treat your business as something of value and take care of it, it will take care of you. And why shouldn’t you? Your business is as important as any Fortune 500 company. It is yours and it is special.

Here are some steps to take today.

1. No more working in chaos.

Make your office a “no toy zone.” Your office is your territory. Protect it. If you have little office helpers, set up an area that can hold toys, perhaps a basket or drawer, and don’t allow it to spread out.

2. No more work in pajamas.

You wouldn’t show up to work at IBM or Microsoft in your bunny slippers, would you? You don’t have to wear a suit, but simply feeling more professional will give you more professional results.

3. No more phone messages from amateurs

Check the outgoing message on your answering machine. Sound like a professional’s office or chaos headquarters? Re-record it to make a good first impression on customers when they call.

4. No more “improvisations”.

Start each day with a list of six jobs you want to do. If you make the list achievable with small goals, you will feel much better at the end of the day.

Ready to treat your business like a valuable Fortune 500 company? I hope you take your first step towards success today.

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